Favourite Song?

Hatebreeder: IDK, cuz songs like Towards Dead End and Hate Me are more alike in structure while Bed of Razors and KTS are kinda the same.

From the HCDR album, i can't really choose a fave song. All of them have the same atmosphere and they seem to all be like one never ending song. The only one that really stands out from the rest is Angels Don't Kill. I really like HCDR cuz the lyrics are fuckin awsome.
Nightwish because its so melodic... i love the beginning. or In Hate Me! because its just sucha good song...
CoB are my favourite band. I'm from Bosnia. My favourite songs are Every Time I Die - deffinetly and probably Bodom Beach Terror, because it has nice riffs.
^At first i thought that song sounded the same as Wrath Within but after i listened to it a lot, it sounded so much better than Wrath Within. I love the way he sang the chorus. Wrath Within wasn't really going anywhere. It just seemed like a lot of random stuff in the song.
^For me, i think Hate Me and Hate Crew Deathroll are the best lyrics. HCDR was one of the best lyrics Alexi has ever written even if it is kind of hater-ish. And I can relate to Hate Me so damn much.

Anyway, as of this moment, Angels Don't Kill is my favorite song. I have a whole new appreciation for the Hate crew Deathroll album. I never really liked it at first but now i love every single song and it feels brand new to me.
It's very hard to pick a favorite so I'll say some of my favorites
Kissing the shadows, Hate me!, Are you dead yet?, Angel of death, Sixpounder, In your face.. etc, to many to write them all down..