Favourite Song?

@FearTheReaper: you should quote what you are talking about.. it took me 2 minutes to get it... :lol:
<-Warheart-> said:
'Cause it's a cool song. I thought you liked AYDY...

I don't think Alexi would appreciate you talking shit about that song. :mad:

I"m not talking shit about that song. I love AYDY and i love that song. Every song they make is brilliant. I'm just saying other songs are better. I really like the keyboard on that song.
IN YOur Face is the best song on AYDY! How can anyone hate that. Everything about it is awsome, cuz every instrument is heard individually and the lyrics are great. Thrashed, lost, and strugout is the only song that Bodom made that i don't like as most as the rest. It's my least fave song.
Lady_Laiho said:
IN YOur Face is the best song on AYDY! How can anyone hate that. Everything about it is awsome, cuz every instrument is heard individually and the lyrics are great. Thrashed, lost, and strugout is the only song that Bodom made that i don't like as most as the rest. It's my least fave song.
T,L&S Is one of the best songs on that album.
But I agree in your face is awesome, I was blasting it in my car today, shame I don't have their other albums.:erk: (money issues)
^if you do get money, you must get FTR. If you get that album, then you won't need the rest cuz you;'ll never get sick of that one. TL&S isn't as catchy.
Lady_Laiho said:
^if you do get money, you must get FTR. If you get that album, then you won't need the rest cuz you;'ll never get sick of that one. TL&S isn't as catchy.
I downloaded all their music (I do it before I buy my music) but yeah they're my favourite band so I have all their songs.
I'm planning to buy all their albums though.
Well during the verses it's just drums and bass and I don't like that too much but tbh I can't really remember it too well, I'm going to listen to it now.

I do remember that the chorus' on all the songs are very catchy though.
My favorite COB song is Everytime I die cause it was the first song of them that I've ever heard. I love In your face too (I also love the video, I think it's really cool).