Favourite Vocalists

Teh Grimarse said:
i know king diamond has the weakest falsetto of any singer ever to have sold that many albums. he's cheese. and not good cheese. government cheese.
He's good cheese... like muenster cheese.
Bruce Dickinson for sure. Gotta love Maiden.

I'm also very fond of the Katatonia singer. No idea on who he is as i've never read anything about the band.
Teh Grimarse said:
not to agree with the n00b-metal fan or anything... but...

king diamond does = :puke:

also :Smug: and :rolleyes:, iirc

I hope by n00b-metal fan you aren't referring to me o_O
But I just don't like King Diamond very well.
King Diamond fucking owns. Anyone else who sang like him would fail at it.
The Greys said:
King Diamond fucking owns. Anyone else who sang like him would fail at it.

I admit the man can sing very well. I'm just not a big fan of his style. Trust me I really tried to be a fan, but I just couldn't get into it.
The Greys said:
King Diamond fucking owns. Anyone else who sang like him would fail at it.

warrel danes wailing on sanctuary's refuge denied cd destroys king diamonds falseto. halford does it better too.
Warrel Dane can't even sing. I have seen Nevermore live which turned me off from the band. Majority of the time on nevermore cds he's out of tune or something.

He does sound good on both sanctuary cds but it's no king or halford.
First image result for "toothless".


What kind of pencil was that, anyway?
That looks like the old man in oldschool that has a heart attack after two ladies remove their shirts for nude wrestling.