Favourite Vocalists

"Stormblast" = good use of keyboards. I used to like keyboards a lot when I first got into metal. Now they usually make me want to vomit.
Summoning use a lot of keyboards, but I like them. There are really a lot of factors that go into whether they are enjoyable or not.
Thrash is really the only metal genre that keyboards should NEVER be used in. All others should use sparingly.
It depends on your definition of raw. Some call Emperor raw, and they certainly use keyboards.
well i consider Cradles ' The principal...' Album to be raw and that uses keys. Some say thats not black metal though, i regard it as that though
Thasis said:
I'd have to say Shaggrath from Dimmu Borgir. His voice just realy hit me off. Not my favorite band (3rd favorite actualy), but vocally... fucking wicked.

His vocals on SBD and EDT are excellent.
Chris Barnes is my favorite as far as Death Metal goes
There are so many greats in metal that it's hard to choose
I guess Chris would get my vote

King Diamond is cool too but not Death Metal
Is no one else annoyed by King Diamond's falsetto? I mean, once in a while it is interesting, but he does it too much during every song. And I actually think his normal voice sounds better.
You would probably like his vocals on the say the puppet master or abigail 2 over say abigail and conspiracy.