Favourite Vocalists

I like Quorthon, Dead, Varg, Valfar, the guy from Sort Vokter, the guy from Xantotol, the guy from Countess,the guy from Nokturnal Mortum, and many other guys with weird vocals
Thasis said:
Ummm... not the best place to post something like that...

Why isn't this the best place to post that. If that is who he likes that is who he likes. Corey Taylor is pretty good vocalist.
cookiecutter said:
Because Slipknot is not well like around these parts of the internet.

I understand that but the post wasn't best metal band of all time. It was just favorite vocalist.
Thasis said:
Yah, hence the word Pop and Metalcore. Nobody on these boards likes Metalcore, and those who do tend to stfu about it unless they want to get flamed by the magority of the board.
Unless of course you are Teh Grimarse and you call everyone gay who doesn't like metalcore.