FAWK MIXING TIMEZ! : DI's & Midi included

This shit is tight:hotjump:
Hopefully I managed to eliminate all clipping.

This one wouldnt work bro :(

Fuck this song is ripping!!

Thanks Ola :)

i like it man :)

i like it however your guitar tone sounds a little undergained?

with vox and abit of the synth i re-arranged :D
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11287952/DEADWEIGHT FINAL2.mp3
whats the name of this band btw?

Good move on the Arrangement :) and god work on the mix.
The band is called Minerva and im the vocalist. im doing all the pre-prod for our album, id love if somebody could re-amp me those d'is with a 5150...infact id probably have there babys.