Fellow members of the website you miss hearing

all of the girls that either posted nudes, semi nudes or someone else posted their nudes.

americangirlthing whose bf posted nudes
alina (no nudes but still)
new yorker girl with the broken feet and blonde man fetish

fatbritishguy that moaned about single moms
weird artsy guy that didn't like metal

basically the people most people miss are good eggs and fit in here well, but they're so similar to other people on here that they could all come back and it would be the same but with more posting (which in itself would actually be great). I kind of miss the drama, but the drama has to involve two reasonably intelligent people to be amusing, so not formulating a change in discern or whatever.
looks like i've missed tons of nudes...

I miss BigDave. Didn't know you guys still remember him, that dude was extremelly dumb but his dumbness was making us all feel better about ourselves.
I remember him having some sort of a 'flaw' when men have way too big boobs...

Hah! I remember that. His boobs were too big and his nipples didn't point in an aesthetically pleasing enough direction for his bodybuilding career so he actually had an operation to correct it and posted photos. And we laughed.
Hah! I remember that. His boobs were too big and his nipples didn't point in an aesthetically pleasing enough direction for his bodybuilding career so he actually had an operation to correct it and posted photos. And we laughed.
yepp :)
remember him talking about his big package nonstop and us saying "cmon, everybody knows that bodybuilders don't have a pen0r"... good old times.
I feel retarded for not knowing that half of the people mentioned in this thread were gone until now.
Just playing, come back. We have had a drought of goth club stories.