Female-fronted bands that you actually like

wait so are you guys talking about bands actually fronted by girls (aka whoever is the LEADER is a girl, be it guitarist or vocalist or whatever), or is it only any band that has a girl in?
Is the concept of a band leader / front-person still valid for modern 4 and 5 piece rock outfits? I guess the vocalist typically gets to do the between-song banter as they have access to the mic.
I'm a little late to this thread and I know there are some young 'uns that might not go this far back - but how can we not have some love for Dawn Crosby and FEAR OF GOD????? Within the Veil was one of may favorite cd's back in the day and she was a legendary bitch and hardcore partier that died way too young. Check this out - she paved the way for many metal gals....

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I also like
More Drain STH. I've been waiting years for someone to put this song up on Youtube. By far my favorite of theirs! Good goat this is good :kickass:

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Drain STH are great!
More haunting Scandinavian voices:

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Here are a few of my favorites female fronted metal bands - all more power metal than anything else. No opera singers here. Just kick-ass bands with powerful female singers! :headbang:


Crystal Viper



Beautiful Sin (featuring Uli Kusch and members of Pagan's Mind)

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not really a band, but i'm going to marry this woman

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I'm a little late to this thread and I know there are some young 'uns that might not go this far back - but how can we not have some love for Dawn Crosby and FEAR OF GOD????? Within the Veil was one of may favorite cd's back in the day and she was a legendary bitch and hardcore partier that died way too young. Check this out - she paved the way for many metal gals....

I prefered Detenté
Saw these guys live back in the day and was really surprised how good they were. chick hair metal :headbang:
I had never heard of them:erk:
ened up being a great show
