female fronted bands

Doro, that goes without saying though. Phantom Blue? Drain Sth, Girlschool. Femme Fatales, and no one mentioned Lullacry, Betty Blowtorch. I know I missed some that weren't mentioned though.
AESMA DAEVA - http://www.pmcmgmt.com/aesmadaeva/
AFTER FOREVER - www.afterforever.com
AGHORA - www.aghora.org
AMARAN - www.amaran.net
AMBEON - http://www.ayreon.com/www/Ambeon/Ambeon.html
AMBER ASYLUM - www.amberasylum.com
ARCH ENEMY - www.archenemy.net
ARTROSIS - http://artrosis.rockmetal.art.pl/
ASHES YOU LEAVE - www.ashesyouleave.org
ASTARTE - http://andmark.nostos.gr/astarte/index.htm
ATENOUX - www.8sung.at/atenoux
ATROX - http://travel.to/atrox
AUTUMN TEARS - www.darksymphonies.com/autumntears
AVIDOST - www.avidost.com
BEHOLDER - www.beholderofficial.com
BETO VAZQUEZ INFINITY - http://bvinfinity.com.ar/
BLACKMORE'S NIGHT - www.blackmoresnight.com
BRAVE - www.bravemusic.com
CHARISMA - http://home.t-online.de/charisma-project/
CHASTAIN - www.leviathanrecords.com
CRIMSON GARDEN - http://crimsongarden.free.fr/
CRISIS - www.karyncrisis.com
CRUACHAN - http://cruachan.artshost.com/
CYCLE OF PAIN - www.cycleofpain.com
DARGAARD - www.dargaard.com
DARK MOOR - www.darkmoor.es.org/
DARK SANCTUARY - www.dark-sanctuary.com
DARKWELL - www.darkweel.cjb.net
DEMONIC CHRIST - www.demonicbattlemetal.com/
DERKETA - www.derketa.com
DORO - www.dororocks.com
DRACENA - http://hem.passagen.se/dracena/index2.html
DREAMSIDE - www.dreamside.nl
DREAMS OF SANITY - www.dreams-of-sanity.com
DYING PASSION - http://listen.to/dying_passion
EDENBRIDGE - www.edenbridge.org
ENTWINE - www.entwine.cjb.net
EVEN VAST - http://web.tiscalinet.it/evenvast
FATIMA HILL - www.fatima-hill.com
FEAR OF GOD - www.fear-of-god.com/
FLOWING TEARS - www.flowingtears.com
FOREVER SLAVES - www.geocities.com/foreverslaves/
FOREVER TIMES - http://home.wish.net/~balsters/
GALADRIEL - www.galadriel.sk
GOTHICA - www.geocities.com/gothicahomepage/
GUANO APES - www.guanoapes.com
HELLION - http://officialhellionsite.freeyellow.com/
HOWLING SYN - www.listen.to/howlingsyn
JACK OF JILL - www.jackofjill.com/home.htm
JAYEFOUCHER - www.jayefoucher.com
LACUNA COIL - http://www.leviathanrecords.com/chaslist1.htm
LACRIMOSA - www.lacrimosa.de
LACUNA COIL - www.lacunacoil.it
LANA LANE - www.lanalane.com
LEATHER LEONE - http://www.guitar9.com/guitarmusic9/shockwaves.html
LEFT HAND SOLUTION - http://www.cabal.se/massproduktion/lefthandsolution/
LENNON - www.lennononline.com
LOCHINVAR - http://lochinvar.net
LUCID FLY - www.lucidfly.com
LULLACRY - www.lullacry.com
MADDER MORTEM - www.maddermortem.com
MAGENTA - www.katode.org/magenta/
MAHAVATAR - www.mahavatar.net
MALTEZE - http://isweb39.infoseek.co.jp/art/mateze/intro.html
MARGE LITCH - www.marge-litch.com/m.l.home.html
MARGOTDAY - www.margotday.com
MASTERMIND - http://k2nesoft.k2nesoft.com/mastermind
MEGACE - www.megace.de
MELDRUM - www.meldrum.nu/meldrumnu.html
MINDFRAME - www.enterthemindframe.com
MIRROR REVEALS - www.mirrorreveals.com
MOON OF STEEL - www.adrenaline.it/bands/moon/moon.htm
MOONLIGHT - www.caladan.art/pl/moonlight/
MOONSTONE - www.moonstone.fr.st
MORNING - www.morning.nl
NIGHTWISH - www.nightwish.com
ODES OF ECSTASTY - www.theendrecords.com/html/odes/index.htm
OPERA IX - www.atek.cc/operaIX/
PALE FOREST - www.paleforest.no/default.asp
PERSEPHONE'S DREAM - www.persephonesdream.com
PHANTOM BLUE - www.phantomblue.com
POWER SYMPHONY - www.powersymphony.com
POWERS COURT - www.powers-couyrt
QUINT ESSENCE - http://members.tripod.com/quintessencebr/
RAIN FELL WITHIN - www.rainfellwithin.com/
RAVENS'HEAD - http://www.wf.com.au/ravens'head/
SACRALIS - www.sacralis.de
SANGUIS ET CINIS - www.sanguisetcinis.com
SCAR SOULS - http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/6003/
SENGIR - www.sengirweb.com
SEVENTH GATE - www.seventhgate.de
SHUDDER - www.geocities.com/shudder_demise/body.html
SILENT CRY - www.cassiobrandi.hpg.ig.com.br/silentcty.htm
SINERGY - www.sinergy.org
SINISTER - http://sinister.wingsofdeath.nu/
SNAKE RIVER CONSPIRACY - www.snakeriverconspiracy.com
SUN CAGED - www.suncaged.com
SUNSETH SPHERE - http://sunsethsphere.freeweb.hu/
SYRENS CALL - www.syrenscall.fr.fm/index.htm
TAPPING THE VEIN - www.tappingthevein.com
THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL - http://home.nvg.org/~thomasr/mortal/
THE BREATH OF LIFE - www.the-breath-of-life.com
THE GATHERING - www.thegathering.nl
THE RED MASQUE - www.theredmasque.com
THE SINS OF THY BELOVED- www.tsotb.com
THE TEMPLE OF THE RUIN - www.angelfire.com/band2/myruin/index.html
THEATRE OF TRAGEDY - www.theatreoftragedy.com
THERION - www.megatherion.com/main.asp
TIAMAT - http://www.thegrid.net/tiamat/
TORSION - www.torsion.net
TRAIL OF TEARS - www.redheaven.com
TRISTANIA - www.tristania.com
TWELFTH OF NEVER - www.twelfthofnever.com
TZEFA - www.tzefa.com
VELVET VIPER/ZED YAGO - www.jutta-weinhold.de/
WHITE SKULL - http://users.iol.it/white_skull
WITHIN TEARS - www.withintears.com
WITHIN TEMPTATION - www.within-temptation.com
WYKKED WYTCH - www.wykkedwytch.com

NP: Holy Dio - A Tribute to Dio
Ludicra are quality, imo. Almost went to see them in NYC but didn't but kind of wish I did. Cool story.
Even though this is an old thread- I couldn't help but notice that no one had mentioned Epica!!!

Simone Simons has always been my favourite female vocalist, for a metal band :)

I also love:
Nightwish, Within Temptation, Arch Enemy, Otep, The Huntress, Amaranthe, Leaves' Eyes, In this Moment, Lacuna Coil, Sirenia, & The Unsun!
^i'm gonna see Epica on april 14 :)

Nice! I've seen them twice already!
Can't wait till they start their North American Tour, for this new album for their's!

On their last tour, Simone decided to grab my hand while singing one her ballads.
I think at moment... I went lesbian for a second :lol:
It was awesome! :grin:

Exactly how she hits those high notes.

BAHAHA! Nice man :lol: