Festival shirt: Input requested

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Softer would be cool. I'd just buy a size bigger as I always do to prevent it shrinking too much and becoming a belly shirt.
I can see that the doggone PPUSA Tee material choice is really quite a quandry wrapped up within an enigma... I WILL BUY EITHER VARIETY REGARDLESS, however I have noticed that when I wear my Prog Power shirts (I do so kind of infrequently) I much prefer the comfort rather than having a thick , uncomfortable material that may last as long as the rock of Gibraltor but who gives a hoot about that... the lighter material is much more preferable and I simply don't wear these enough for them to ever wear out.
I would prefer the lighter weight shirt myself, however knowing if they are sized the same as the other would be important to know when ordering.
I would prefer the lighter weight shirt myself, however knowing if they are sized the same as the other would be important to know when ordering.
such a smart, pretty woman!!! Just don;t tell your husband! :muahaha:
Time to close the thread.

Opinions are essentially split down the middle. I simply cannot afford to risk the thinner, lighter shirts and get stuck with a bunch of them. Thus, the traditional thicker shirts will be sold.

Thanks for taking the time to post.

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