Fiction [New Album Spoilers Highly Likely. Read At Own Risk]

did stanne just say 'our children drowning like ducks' in Inside the Particles Storm? ducks can drown?!
I've never understood the concept of "spoilers" when it comes to music. Words can never prepare you for what you're going to hear. It'll give you a little insight, but nothing more.

But this is true for movies and books and TV shows as well... so basically you don't think spoilers exist. ;)

Irza said:
did stanne just say 'our children drowning like ducks' in Inside the Particles Storm? ducks can drown?!

I've never understood the concept of "spoilers" when it comes to music. Words can never prepare you for what you're going to hear. It'll give you a little insight, but nothing more.

dt is the only band that surprises me with every new album release they put out. So the word "spoiler" is appropriate in this situation.
Wow. Just... fucking... wow.

Simply amazing. I've listened to it 3 times over now.

Inside the Particle Storm... so much awesome in one song. Miserys Crown... The Mundane and the Magic (the female vocals are GREAT!). And I can't get enough of these keyboards. :headbang:

DT have done it again.
I've been listening to it for the past 2 days and i really just can't get enough of it. great album, but i find i have to really listen to it more than character, which i can leave on as sort of background music while doing work or in the car or something, with this one it takes actual concentration on it. at first i felt the riffs were a bit lame and uninspired in songs such as terminus but it really grew on me.
First off: my utmost respect and admiration for any and all of you that have the means to, but have chosen to wait till you get this wicked slab of plastic in your hands to hear. Willpower of steel you possess in abundance awe-inspiring that it is: you rock.

Fiction is a huge step forward. Their biggest leap ahead since Projector. I fucking love it. I listened to it last night for the first time and I had to listen to it again right after. While I think Character is great in taking Haven and Damage Done and elements of their past and kinda jamming them all together and expanding on them, Fiction introduces a lot of new elements and move and vibes, I'm so glad they took some risk and branched out with it. I's instantly accessible. Focus Shift sounds ten times better in place on the album.

If Character was my number one pick for 2005 (it was) Fiction will be my number one pick in '07 (most likely) it is so far. Can't wait to see them in April - the 1,100 mile drive should be worth it. I hope they get at least a hour this time.
Sorry, couldn't resist :loco:

I'm going to buy the album anyway so what's the difference...

Let me start, BLIND AT HEART is a masterpiece! As I was listening at somepoint in that song, I swear I thought I was listening to Kalmah or something like that; the solo! I never heard something like that from dt!

Moving on, The Mundane and the Magic is excellent! I didn't expect the female vocals at all, that was amazing! Although I'm a bit disappointed because there are no acoustic guitars... but hell! Fucking awesome! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Sorry, couldn't resist

Another one bites the dust in..


Put oreder for all the editions in yesterday. Love that store, the guy isn't metalhead or anything, and the store is just general moms-und-pops music/video store, but his first question was "Are they still on Century Media?" Duh. Hope fully I'll get Japanese and Australian editions as well, he hoped to get them from his expansive list of distibutors. With that place - it's right aroundteh corner - I don't have to buy online any longer :) And there's a small sushi kitchen next to it.

I love my neighbourhood :)

My poor flatmate can't get into the album - "too complex" says he. Well, less fucking and drinking would help you comprehend better , but on teh otehr hand - the guy digs Opeth.


...and is it "drowning" or "growling"? Dogs can swim - ask Gaia.

I swear I thought I was listening to Kalmah or something like that

What the fuck is Kalmah?

You couldn't make me listen to that holding my family at the gunpoint :Smug:

This album is the best album I've heard since... well, since Character. x)
I'm definitely going to order it as soon as it's possible to do so.

Been listening non-stop for the past couple of days, and it never ceases to amaze me how these guys can pull such incredibly original stuff out of the bag each and every time, sounding like no other band. Kudos.
Favourite tracks thus far are Terminus (Where Death is Most Alive), Inside the Particle Storm and The Mundane and the Magic. Was pretty imperssed by Focus Shift the first time I heard it, but I think it's the weakest song on the album, which isn't all that surprising, I suppose. :)

I've had a go at the lyrics for Misery's Crown and Inside the Particle Storm:

Dark Tranquillity - Misery's Crown
All has now been broken, on streets I dare not walk
Freedom is an illusion, I build my fences high
If there was something out there, I've learned not to expect
There's a hundred million reasons not to care

Don't bring it, don't bring it! Don't bring your misery down on me! (x2)
(Wear Misery's crown)

As always in these matters, you broke the deal of deals
And wasted what was given, to revel in your mess
I gave up all for nothing, I tried my best and failed
There's a thousand million reasons never to share

This is how it all begins!
This is how it all begins!

Don't bring it, don't bring it! Don't bring your misery down on me! (x2)
(Wear Misery's crown)

This is how it all begins, go now, go now, go now!

Don't bring it, don't bring it! Don't bring your misery down on me! (x2)

Wear Misery's crown


Dark Tranquillity - Inside the Particle Storm
Inside the particle storm
Wear clothes of napalm, shiver
With the promise of one final dawn

Inside the particle blitz
Where rages collide into nothingness
Of veneration's one final kiss

A claw in the Garden of Eden
clogging the bloodstream of birth
tearing a hole in the fabric of life
the horizon, enriched with scars

Inside the particle blaze
One schemer of disillusion
proclaiming the end of days

We leave now
Nothing will follow
nothing at all
The cleansing flames of entropy
to devour us all

Our lungs were filled with sarin
Our children, growling like dogs
Anchored to the weight of cold dark matter
Without promise --- name

Inside the particle storm
The poison gene of humanity
Will never find

This is the moment
When bloodships anchored to the skies
The heavy ranks of chaos
Descend in marginalistic lies
I made some corrections but there's still room for improvement in the transcription

Dark Tranquillity - Inside the Particle Storm

Inside the particle storm
Where clouds of napalm shimmer
With the promise of one final dawn

Inside the particle blitz
Where ages collide into nothingness
obliterations one final kiss

A claw in the Garden of Eden
clogging the bloodstream of birth
tearing a hole in the fabric of life
the horizon, enriched with scars

Inside the particle blaze
One schemer of disillusion
proclaiming the end of days

We leave now
Nothing will follow
nothing at all
The cleansing flames of entropy
to devour us all

Our lungs were filled with sarin
Our children, growling like dogs
Anchored to the weight of cold dark matter
Without promise, meaning or name

Inside the particle storm
The poison gene of humanity

This is the moment
When bloodships anchored to the skies
The heavy ranks of chaos
Descend in marginalistic lies
Amazing album... i'll definitely buy it when it comes out... sorry, couldn't wait and downloaded it...
major improvements in the production department, especially the drums!
Also, it looks like the band went for a more compact no frills approach in terms of songwriting and the album is a lot more hard hitting that way...