Fiction [New Album Spoilers Highly Likely. Read At Own Risk]

^ Haha don't temp me Kat dammit! :erk: :) :puke: :headbang:

I know it's there, but I won't download it.

I consider myself Costa Rica's greatest DT fan, and I, like everday, shall honour those words.

I'm not considering myself less a fan of DT than any other people here because I had the mp3s before it's realeased. I'll buy it anyway, I really don't see the point here. You feel virtuous ?
I'm not considering myself less a fan of DT than any other people here because I had the mp3s before it's realeased. I'll buy it anyway, I really don't see the point here. You feel virtuous ?

Uhmmm what do ye mean by virtuos hehe :p ?

I'm not saying that ye're a less fan than the others just because ye got the mp3 to be clear :rolleyes: , it's a matter of different perspectives in this case :) .


same old 'jejet jejet' riffs

mundane and the magic is nice though

may post a review if requested
Disappointing? To each their own i guess. But i think Fiction is a GREAT album so far(after 2 listens). It sounds like Dark Tranquillity with a few twists. What more do you want? there's elements from each album (except skydancer) and even some new elements, it's great!
i dunno..the riffs are like rehashed pieces of previous albums...ander's drumming are not that interesting either, apart from the short blastbeats here and there...maybe im sounding a bit harsh, but yea its just my opinion:)
Man, I remember when getting a promo of the album made you part of this "exclusive club." I got the promo in the mail yesterday, and today it's all over the net. Pffft!

With that said, I think the album is outstanding. My tastes are very broad—I could listen to DT and Ani Difranco on mix and totally dig it—so DT hasn't released a bad album yet, in my eyes. There are some songs with modern elements on this album, "Icipher" and "Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive)," for the most part. Latter day In Flames—another band yet to let me down—is a good example to use when giving you an idea of some riffs in these songs. The haters will latch onto these instances and call the album a nu-metal album (the typical insult of mindless turds with little musical knowledge). However, the vocals are what sets these two bands apart. While Anders makes some of the newer In Flames material sound less heavy than it really is by singing in a less aggressive, oft-whiney vocals style, Mikael stays brutal throughout these two songs.

I like the fact that they've changed things up again. They needed to stray from the Damage Done/Character style, else it would have gotten a bit monotonous. I am stoked for the clean vocals being back, though briefly. I missed them. Projector is one of the most underrated metal albums out there. This album is like The Gallery/The Mind's era meets the Projector/Haven era.

Let the haters hate; don't listen to them one bit, their words are worthless. Fiction is a killer album! :headbang:
On another hand, I ask, urge to be more precise, people who have already listened to the cd, that when ye posy yer comments about any songs, musically speaking, please post a


warning that everyone can see, it's selfish but it's a samll favour that I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants it (hehe).

It's a safer bet to avoid reading this thread until you have the album in your hands, if you don't want to be spoiled information about the record. If we had a spoiler tag (blacking out the words until mouse rollover) I'd be the first to instruct people to use it, but without it's rather moot when just scrolling down might accidentally mean you read something you didn't want to.

On another note - not relevant to LBRH's post - I'm sick and tired of reading semi-incomprehensible comments who look like they've been written by a child with an incomplete keyboard. Your messages need not be typo-free, but do your best to use DECENT ENGLISH GRAMMAR and A SEMBLANCE OF PUNCTUATION. Especially if you're native english speakers, posts lacking either of the above are a sign you're too lazy, too ignorant, or too intoxicated to make a contribution here.
well rahvin youre right, ist better to leave this thread until april.
I dont know why theres an urgent need to post that "its leaked whooahah blablabla" and so on and then flood the board with spoilers about how good and bad it is.
I would rather see an interesting discussion about it when its out and everyone can do scenario A.
anyway there are some small updates on the homepage.
I'm trying to keep my comments to a minimum, just because I know there are those that want to wait. I personally am incapable of waiting (see, doctor's note, right here) and so I caved before I even got home. (No need to email me anything, Plin).

I'll just say that all of you waiting will be pleasantly surprised by the latest offering. Regardless of what you were expecting, there will be a song that has it. Except for acoustic guitars... I don't remember hearing those. But I could be wrong.

It's about the experience of listening to an album for the first time. Imagine scenario A:


Now imagine scenario B:


Doctor, oh, fucking doctor, what if I die tomorrow? Is dt music allowed in heaven? Hell? Purgatory? (Encouraging, huh?)

@Kov: good, cuz I just got to it, actually :D

Instrumental might have some acoustics in it.
Plin, haha, I was just so desperate I wanted to put something on my iPod before I left work - got it within 5 minutes of being home.

And good call on the instrumental - that's probably where they are.

I really like the overall sound of the album, too. It's interesting - they always seem to have a distinct sound that permeates each specific album, while incorporating elements from previous albums. And I'm surprised to hear some definite Projector elements in there. Overall, it's incredibly clean and distinct, and it's true, the keys take over a bit, but it's all rather well balanced. Cheers to those who hold out, you're in for a treat. And if you're seeing them live before then... well, hopefully they will (or depending on your viewpoint, won't) pull out one of the truly different songs.

And don't get angry at me for the above - it's the same thing I said about Focus Shift :D. Don't read the following though if you don't want spoilers of any kind.

Your original reaction above got me so hyper looking for a switch-up that I freaked out when I heard Misery Crown. And was totally unprepared for The Mundane and the Magic.... holy shit. I luckily had no liquid nearby, or I might have just picked up a cup and thrown it at my screen... y'know, for consistency.
Your original reaction above got me so hyper looking for a switch-up that I freaked out when I heard Misery Crown. And was totally unprepared for The Mundane and the Magic.... holy shit. I luckily had no liquid nearby, or I might have just picked up a cup and thrown it at my screen... y'know, for consistency.

Yeah, me and Kat - we all got the same reaction, it's really coming like out of nowhere and goes straight for your face :cool:

Electronics are outstanding. I can't say as always, because Martin B. have outdone himself this time - I like how they are layered in B@H for instance, and overall sounding of Terminus and InsignifiCunt, I'd say - that's evolution from Haven, as Character was more of progression... as it all sounded to me. And in some songs MH and NS make me forget that Stanne is still onboard - those looong guitar passages.

Anders gets creative, too, just listen one more fucking time (at least, if you hate this stolen material so much).
I was actually playing some WoW at the time (nothing to hard that would take my mind off the music, just slaughtering some alliance in the PvP areas of Hellfire Peninsula), and when that part came up I died and went back to the beginning of the song to make sure I was paying rapt attention to the song.

Oh, and Anders does have a bit of fun. It's a shame that his parts always tend to be the most under appreciated - they really (not to be too obvious) lay the groundwork for the songs. Most notably in Inside the Particle Storm.

Is it just me, or does that seem like Niklas wanted to make a Projector song again, then decided, "Nah, Character.", and then changed his mind back by the end? The end result is brilliant, but the Projector sound is so clear. (That's a good thing, btw.)

So far, Icipher, Terminus:WDiMA, Misery Crown, TMatM are my top songs. I'm finding it a bit tough to get into Blind at Heart and Empty Me for some reason. I'm sure it's a time thing, though.

I'll be very interested to see exactly which ones they play live - overall the album is astounding. I really wasn't expecting something of quite this level. Seriously, Focus Shift, Terminus and Blind at Heart - the three we knew of beforehand - really don't do justice to the overall creativity. They're solid DT songs, and they are creative, but it's the 'odd' ones that really shine for me.

And yes, I'm already working on lyrics, though it's not nearly as tough as it was for Character. The vocals are so exceptionally clear.
