Fiction [New Album Spoilers Highly Likely. Read At Own Risk]

Niklas wrote music and lyrics to "Inside the particle storm", the most atmospheric song of the album. Perhaps my favourite after one listen.
Niklas wrote music and lyrics to "Inside the particle storm", the most atmospheric song of the album. Perhaps my favourite after one listen.


The most different dt song in years, true. Since Heaven the album I'd say.

Keyboards/electronics are one of the highlights - they don't just add atmosphere or those bits of "dt sound", they are overtaking the rest of the sound in places (Rogue studios usurpation? :D)... and of course a few surprises Mikael got for us (whiney fans have been heard! :lol: ) I almost literally chocked myself on one of the songs *winkywink* when I heard THAT (ha, some of you wish I would, but there was a fire extinguisher nearby :zombie: )

//of course I fucking had it!

(well, another completely senseless post of mine. If I start getting on your nerves just tell me. It's not gonna stop me. Noone can stop me, muahahahaha. ...... (I like dots) .....:.::.....Please don't ban me.)
I think i will try to resist... It´ll be a long, hard, yourney, but it´ll be worth the endurance. Guess I´ll have to be content with focus shift for about... two months :mad:

And it´s realeased the 18th, the day after our student party (every class hosts a party at a club or suchlike, it´s not going to be a very sober night :kickass: ), so my hangover might be to heavy to listen to it after all... damnit, another day waiting. :erk:
yeah ill buy it def, i always buy my albums, but i gotta hear it, and it reminds me more of haven right now, lesser faith is fuckign incredibile, first song a lil generic except for the chorus.
I almost literally chocked myself on one of the songs *winkywink* when I heard THAT (ha, some of you wish I would, but there was a fire extinguisher nearby :zombie: )

//of course I fucking had it!

I spitted out all of my pepsi on my desk actually.... lol ! Totally unpredictable !
I really don't get the point of you all resisting ? You'll buy it anyway... no?

Of course, but it's about listening to ripped poor(er) quality mp3's against the band's wishes vs. the actual CD, browsing through the covers as you hear the songs for the first time in the quality they're supposed to be heard.

These spoilers aren't making it any easier to wait though..
Esp. since I fucking love Haven. :mad:

I'm going to have to chryogenically freeze myself for 2 months.. any helpers?
I really don't get the point of you all resisting ? You'll buy it anyway... no?

It's about the experience of listening to an album for the first time. Imagine scenario A:

With hard-earned cash you rush the music-store and buy the new DT album. Trying your best to avoid the rabid dogs, whipping rain, blind seniles behind the wheel and the other urban dangers, you finally get home and with shaking fingers try to remove the shrinkwrap, failing at least half a dozen times before you finally open it. You breath in the smell of the new CD as you put it into your player. Then you carefully remove the booklet from the cover before pushing play. You sit down with the booklet and CD case in your hands, and close your eyes as the first notes of the first song start playing - only to open them quickly to read the lyrics on the booklet along with Mikaels vocals, all the while admiring the details of the artwork. A complete Dark Tranquillity experience fills your mind and heals your soul as you let your emotions loose. Shivers run down your spine, your arm-hair rises up, and your heart beats faster than ever. You quickly lose your sense of time as you cry, scream and yell like an animal. About an hour later you suddenly wake up from your trance to notice the music has stopped - only to push play again so that you can experience it all again.

Now imagine scenario B:

You push a few buttons, wait for a while at your computer and finally listen to a bunch of wrongly titled poor-quality mp3's. You bang your head a little while you read and write trivial things on some internet-forum. When the album comes out months later, you feel like you've heard it all before.

Which scenario looks better to you? I know which way I prefer it. But I'm not saying it is easy to be patient.

-Villain (who takes a new DT album over good sex any day)
Nothing is like a real cd/booklet/artwork/etc, I agree. But, for myself, I really think that the pleasure of a real cd isn't diminished because I've listened to the album before. It's only... better than it was, you know ? And the mp3s are in good quality, it sounds good for myself anyway...
I'm not into that "Dark Tranquillity" experience as you're describing it lol I just... listen to it! No protocol, no ritual or "sect-like" stuff... haha!
I love it, god i love it :D
Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive), what a song!!!!!!
I'm starting to think it's rather funny how DT always leaves me speechless... . I knew the leak was going to appear soon, but damn... it's still damn shocking.

Just so you know, I have not heard the album.

I will hear it when I buy it (one of the many versions :p :lol: ), form a store.

One big problem I face is that since I liove here I'll have to pre-order and wait for like 3 weeks after it's released :cry: .




Concerning the album, I'm glad everyone here likes it so much, and I, without doubt anymore, will love it too.


I'm so happy :) .

I won't download the album, as many of you won't also do it, I ruined that last year with BG's release, and I won't do it again. specially with my favourite band.

It's funny with BG because I never really heard the album, and I'll buy it this week, yet I still am terribly excited to listen to it!

Only -61 days and counting... .

I feel so happy... .
^ Haha don't temp me Kat dammit! :erk: :) :puke: :headbang:

I know it's there, but I won't download it.

I consider myself Costa Rica's greatest DT fan, and I, like everday, shall honour those words.


On another hand, I ask, urge to be more precise, people who have already listened to the cd, that when ye posy yer comments about any songs, musically speaking, please post a


warning that everyone can see, it's selfish but it's a samll favour that I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants it (hehe).

I don't want to have a clue about how the songs sound like, so please put the spoiler warning.

Thanks :)
Great album, a lot better than Character IMHO. the only one im not liking a lot is Icipher.
It resembles Haven sometimes, also has a more "modern" feel on a couple of tracks (not nu-metal, just modern).
Its weird that it has that *special something* that Mikael claimed t wouldnt have... nice though