Fiction [New Album Spoilers Highly Likely. Read At Own Risk]

So far, Icipher, Terminus:WDiMA, Misery Crown, TMatM are my top songs. I'm finding it a bit tough to get into Blind at Heart and Empty Me for some reason. I'm sure it's a time thing, though.

The only song which needs to be listen carefully to is Particle Storm: being so different from the rest of the album and rather experimental (even for dt), it's hard for me to do anything else when I listen to it :loco:

Terminus is going to kick so much ass live - I haven't heard it's full potential in the lousy bootleg, got some impression, something like - "oh, a cool song", but electronics add so much to it in the promo version.

I told you Stanne was Horde - it's about the Undercity or Terrordale, at least.
See, now I'm thinking that Stanne shouting "For the Horde!" would be the only thing that could make a DT show cooler.

And yes, Terminus is gonna kick ass. I've seen one half-assed pit at a DT show once. Most of the time, it's just a push forward. But I'll be damned if the whole damn place isn't going to be flipping out for that song live. Hell, I have to move just sitting down listening to it.

Although, I'll agree with whoever said it - It does remind me a bit much of Final Resistance. I keep wanting to think "What can you tell me of the inside!" at certain points, as the lead in is the same.

But again, that raises the question - how much is the seating arrangement at the Gramercy gonna blow? (Kov is not confirmed for that date yet - by the end of the day, most likely there will be news one way or the other.)

Ok, I spent way too much time on the WoW forums.

My first instinct was to call "Keylogger!".

In any case, I'm hesitant about downloading that, though from work I guess would be better than from home. :D

Fear not, for I shall tread murky waters for all of thee! :p

It actually was the cover, the one we all have seen, although for some reason hosted on Rapidshare. I think the pleasure of assuming you're linking to forbidden material should be rewarded with a nice edit.
It'll be interesting to see the crowd sing along to the songs on the Fiction album in the upcoming tour... before the album is officially released.
To be quite honest, that's the whole reason I'm working on the lyrics right now. Hopefully I'll be prepared no matter what they bring out. Although... this did backfire on me last time, for the Character tour. I was one of the few people who knew the lyrics to the new stuff (although I still insisted on singing "Go Space Invaders!"), and yet I still don't know Punish My Heaven all the way through.

~kov. (poor excuse for a fan)
ok. i've noew listened to fiction for 5 times and starting my sixth.

this album is far more complex than "focus shift" suggested. actually I guess that one is the simplest song in the album along with terminus, which is the most catchy and inflamesy track.

the album is complex because it's unpredictable. drums are amazing, really. there is no part which I already know by heart, and this is good, meaning it's not an easy listening album.

I don't yet master a total and unconditionate love for every single song. I actually don't like "the mundane and the magic" and "blind at heart", which will need more that 30 listenings I think.

"inside the particle storm" is just a masterpiece. I thoroughly love it. maybe it's symphonic-black atmosphere that makes it so special. don't really know.

and I guess fiction can be nominated the third most innovative DT album, after (of course) projector and haven.

mikael's cleans have fucking improved. scream-only vocals in the last 5 years seem to have had a positive effect on clean vocals, which are much more balanced and refined than in the past.

further comments in a near future, I need to get at least to my 15th listening to appreciate fiction. just like I did for character, which currently is my favourite DT album.
Personally, I don't mind the spoilers, even though I can see why others do. I just know mere words cannot tell how the music of Fiction sounds and thus I'm not bothered by the comments here. Obviously, I cannot really participate in the discussion before the album is released, for reasons mentioned before, so I'll just hope there will still be a lot of Fiction to discuss in April.

Anyways, what Tranquillian said about Niklas' participation is great news to me - it is something I've waited for a long time (since 1999, to be exact). I kind of saw it coming here, and I'm happy I was right. :Spin:

Doctor, oh, fucking doctor, what if I die tomorrow?

The world will be a better place and I shall merrily fart in your memory.

The whole band has done some incredible work on this album, but I'll admit, Niklas's work on Particle Storm really stands out to me. It's seems like he found a way to fuse all of their previous works into one cohesive song that loses none of the distinctiveness of its contributing members.

And just in case it needs clarification, "Go Space Invaders!" is a reference to our failed attempts at parsing out the lyrics to The New Build before it was released. I don't think those are lyrics to PMH. Although, as I admitted, I don't know them all, so perhaps they are. I think most got the joke, though :p

VINYL! Kids of today *sigh* :p

HELL YEAH! :headbang:

I love vynils, I only have like 11, but I'm really proud of them :) , a lot of them are quite rare :) :kickass: :headbang: .

I dunno how I shall preorder the stuff..., maybe I shall go to some metal store here and have order them already.

Hmmm and maybe I could order the Character LP on the way... and the Projector LP, and basically every DT album on LP :p.

Hehe I'll certainly order the vinyl ver. of the new one, I hope it has a different artwork!

well danny, I know you love vinyls*g*
other question is there somewhere a bigger version of the artwork? these thumbnails from arent really good to admire.
the grey pic on under "recent release", is this the artwork without the logo?

mikael's cleans have fucking improved. scream-only vocals in the last 5 years seem to have had a positive effect on clean vocals, which are much more balanced and refined than in the past.

clean vocals????????wtf, I thought there werent any????
to download or not to download this is the question here...and my first thought was to stay out of this thread:cry: