Fight'em Friday

Well after a couple of listens, I dig it a lot, just a few things.

I wish it was as fast as the way they have been playing it live, the beginning as well as some of joeys vocal phrasings really still remind me of Master of Puppets. Rob's guitar work is just fine, don't really miss Dan Spitz. Charlie's drumming out of his mind on this track. It probably is about a minute too long, there seem to be a few times where you thing the song is about to end, and then it goes on again.

IMF09 got it right when he said it sounds sort of like POT crossed with WCFYA, which is not a bad thing at all. It's wet my appetite. Now bring on the whole album already damnit!



I wanna beat the shit outta some zombies now.

I think its a fairly decent song...but not all that amazing or one that I want to keep playing over and over...a bit to clean sounding...but still like it more than anything since pot
@Manthatfollowshell I too can hear the Master of Puppets vocals in some of the verses. Also the song at times reminds me of Misery of loves company of SOE in parts.
With Joey's vocals it sounds like a leftover from State Of Euphoria, save for the megadethlike chorus. The drums are killer and so is the guitar solo, hope there will be better songs on the album.
Joey is not a thrash factor (in fact, his vocals is the least "thrash" element in Anthrax, and has always been, this new song sounds like a thrash metal with almost pop rock singing), but I think that the band aims on making a comeback of the "old Anthrax" and pretend it's 1988 again. This song sounds like that, and I won't be surprised if they had made some changes on the record in this way, since some of it was re-written and re-recorded.
I thought the nelson version was just okay. After first seeing the Joey versions on Youtube this song kept growing om me. I do dislike slowing it down (the live version just has more energy) I must say especially the vocals come more to life. Apart from that, a song worthy of Anthrax' legacy. Definately the missing link between PoT and SoWN
I think that the band aims on making a comeback of the "old Anthrax" and pretend it's 1988 again. This song sounds like that.
imo "Fight 'em" sounds fresher & more modern than most of their stuff of the last 15 years, it's the perfect combination of classic style and modern sound, i think that i will like this record a lot and i expect it to contain their best songwriting since SOWN. i'm sure that Scat & Charles don't want their record to sound like 1988, they are not living in the past.
Anybody else totally shocked that maiden fanboy is not happy? I didn't think so.

I dig it. It sounds like anthrax. I don't have an opinion on anthrax of what time frame because it could have been on POT or WCFYA.
So there will be 10 songs on the new record ... right?

My first feeling/thought after hearing the "new" song:

Fuck yeah! Anthrax is back! :kickass:
imo "Fight 'em" sounds fresher & more modern than most of their stuff of the last 15 years, it's the perfect combination of classic style and modern sound, i'm sure that Scat & Charles don't want their record to sound like 1988, they are not living in the past.

ANTHRAX has never repeated themselves..thats what made em' me that is.

..and yeah..can't stop listening to this song ..the last 50 seconds surely will bring the house down..again and again!!

I also hope the band stop trying to produce hit songs. ONLY is the only real hit they got. NOTHING leaves nothing in the chart. INSIDE OUT goes out and so did the record company..out of business. SUPERHERO is a good contender, instead they harped on SAFE HOME, safe to say the song now lay safely collecting dust somewhere. Pleace ANTHRAX, stop trying and just do what u guys do best...THRASH EM' TILL U CAN'T THRASH NO MORE!!

I also hope the band stop trying to produce hit songs. ONLY is the only real hit they got. NOTHING leaves nothing in the chart. INSIDE OUT goes out and so did the record company..out of business. SUPERHERO is a good contender, instead they harped on SAFE HOME, safe to say the song now lay safely collecting dust somewhere. Pleace ANTHRAX, stop trying and just do what u guys do best...THRASH EM' TILL U CAN'T THRASH NO MORE!!

ONLY is the only real hit they got. NOTHING leaves nothing in the chart. INSIDE OUT goes out and so did the record company..out of business. SUPERHERO is a good contender, instead they harped on SAFE HOME, safe to say the song now lay safely collecting dust somewhere.

Good song....On the first listen I expected Joey to break into the words from "Gridlock" from Persistence Of Time....I find it really annoying that they couldn't tag the song properly though.....You'd think with how anal all the record companies are being lately that they would have all the correct fields filled out in the song tags.