So,here's the thing at the Plato it was my first introduction with Agalloch's music creations,well I only heard one or two songs on my mp3 player,and I was suprised by the beauty of their music just wonderful,gives me chickenskin.. (I forgot the correct word,I dunno..)
I remember I apologised to John at the Plato for not knowing who he was here on the forum,well it was ok..I made a compliment about their performance earlier,great show! and I told him I would like to buy an album of them,but I completly forgot to ask which one would be good as a first buy..well sorry ok,but I got shy and walked away quickly..
so which one wil it be,and I only wanna here honest answers,what is the best album to start with...
edit:and sorry again for the long post,just get used to it! for some stupid reason,I can't keep it short..