Finally saw Alive 2

whitey131 said:
This isn't about fashion, it's about you guys who have decided that NONE of the new music out today is any good. It's not the music guys, it's you. Your getting older and soon enough your favorite stuff will be on an oldies station.

I can guarantee I listen to more metal recorded post 1990 than anyone else in this forum, but before I make a stupid assumption, what types of bands do YOU consider quality these days, besides Bush-era Anthrax of course?
MadeInNewJersey said:
I can guarantee I listen to more metal recorded post 1990 than anyone else in this forum, but before I make a stupid assumption, what types of bands do YOU consider quality these days, besides Bush-era Anthrax of course?

In no real order
Arch enemy
In flames
Shadows fall
Avenged sevenfold
Black label society
Fear Factory
Amercian Headcharge
It dies Today
kill switch engage
system of a down
damage plan
megadeth is still at it as is slayer
whitey131 said:
This isn't about fashion, it's about you guys who have decided that NONE of the new music out today is any good. It's not the music guys, it's you. Your getting older and soon enough your favorite stuff will be on an oldies station.

true, but I really don;t care if it's on an oldie station or not, I do like SOME of todays bands, but the band I like are most of the time at least sounding more traditional with more or less more modern productions. I really dig RITUAL CARNAGE for instance.
OK,,thats your opinion.. fair enough bro,,,but IMO,,the intro riff of "keep it in the family" is better arranged and mixed better that the original studio version,,,however, Joey's highnotes during the chorus are a much better fit for that song,,,IMO

its only natural for a good band to tweak song arrangments here and there to improve upon the original studio recording via live performance

ironmaidenfan09 said:
That is such a crock of shit. Scott says this shit to try and sell records. What do you think he is going to say "well the newer stuff isn't as good as with Joey but its ok" OF COURSE HE IS GOING TO SAY ITS BETTER. Just as right now he will say how much better they sound with Joey to sell out venues.

About "Keep it in the family" being better than the original studio recording you have got to be fucking kidding me. That song sounds like SHIT on TGOTE compared to the Persistence of Time version. There are some decent songs on TGOTE but Keep it in the family sounds like shit
Gotta love the "Yeah Yeah" on Among the living too, is that better than the original? haha. I am sorry but John Bush singing Joey's songs is seriously like a cover band doing the songs. I absoultely have nothing but respect for John Bush he is a good singer but when you sing someone elses songs it just isn't going to sound right to the people that were fans of those songs prior to his arrival. Just as Joey would sound stupid singing Johns songs.

I thought persistence of time had a perfect production and Keep it in the Family is one of the heaviest songs on that record. Hearing John sing it makes me cringe :)
whitey131 said:
Now, it means anybody who uses the "you don't know what real metal is about" qualifier in their arguments, then tells you "real" metal is what was made over 20 years ago. Read the friggen post you agreed with. All you guys who are full on in love with the idea of Joey in the band seem be just as blind to the fact that they made good music with John then the same group who are blind to Joey being a talented guy. The only difference is the ever present, Joey's here to stay attitude which is comical at best given that there seems to be no clear loyality in that band. I'm pretty sure the bulk of you guys really wouldn't like a new Anthrax album with Joey much anyway because a bunch of you guys clearly don't listen to new music much. There's nothing wrong with that other then that they'll make a reunion record, and it will sell some. All the old guys will talk about it being good but not as good as Among the living, and then the next one won't sell much.

And for the rercord I'm not part of the young hip crowd. I'm a 30 year old guy with 2 kids. I find it funny as fuck that becuasse I prefer (key word here) the Bush era Anthrax that I must be some 14 year old poser who is only ino bands with a DJ in them. It's the most retarded half ass way of thinking on earth, and you agreed with it.

Look, the only reason I said that about you being young is because you assumed that anyone that is happy about the reunion is "aging and trying to cling on to there youth". I was being fucking sarcastic..... Music is a matter of fucking taste.. I liked the classic Anthrax... I bought SOWN when it came out and wasn't thrilled with it.. Then They just continued to slowly evolve into an almost completely different band. I am not saying they sucked or didn't make good music, I just didn't like it... I will be buying the next Anthrax record if its with this line-up for sure.... I also donot understand the reasoning that if you don't like Bush-Era Anthrax that you don't listen to new music..
SpiderDan13 said:
What about Joey singing Neil's songs? Are those cover songs as well?
Joey was in much longer than Neil anyway. They cant be considered covers cause those songs belong to Anthrax regardless of whos in or out. Updated or remixed versions maybe.
tomass74 said:
I also donot understand the reasoning that if you don't like Bush-Era Anthrax that you don't listen to new music..

Neither did I. At all. And then he goes and mentions Slipknot, System Of A Down and Damageplan as examples of new stuff. :tickled:

A Yankees fan & a Sox fan agreeing on something. Next thing you know dogs & cats will be living together. It'll be anarchy!
MadeInNewJersey said:
Neither did I. At all. And then he goes and mentions Slipknot, System Of A Down and Damageplan as examples of new stuff. :tickled:

A Yankees fan & a Sox fan agreeing on something. Next thing you know dogs & cats will be living together. It'll be anarchy!

Newer then stuff recorded in the 80's.

The reference to age is almost all the anti-john crap is started with "you whiney ass kids don't know what real metal is"
ironmaidenfan09 said:
I am sorry but John Bush singing Joey's songs is seriously like a cover band doing the songs. I absoultely have nothing but respect for John Bush he is a good singer but when you sing someone elses songs it just isn't going to sound right to the people that were fans of those songs prior to his arrival. Just as Joey would sound stupid singing Johns songs.

On that note, how do you feel about Bruce Dickinson singing Paul Dianno songs?
whitey131 said:
Newer then stuff recorded in the 80's.

The reference to age is almost all the anti-john crap is started with "you whiney ass kids don't know what real metal is"

I'm not anti-John or anything like that, I just vastly prefer the "classic" Anthrax era w/ Joey, that's all.

And really, no offense, but based on the list of bands you provided, you don't really know what real metal is either. :lol:
BTW I prefer Di'Anno over Dickinson anyday! far more agression, no doubt that Dickinson it a technically better singer but that is not all that counts. In that respect it's not comparable to the THRAX situation.
spacebeer said:
BTW I prefer Di'Anno over Dickinson anyday! far more agression, no doubt that Dickinson it a technically better singer but that is not all that counts. In that respect it's not comparable to the THRAX situation.

Although I love the Killers album Bruce Dickinson is a FAR superior vocalist to Paul D'ianno. When Bruce sings Pauls songs live I do enjoy them more than the originals however if I heard them re-recorded with Bruce on vocals it just wouldn't be the same and I would take the original Paul D'ianno versions anyday.

There are not many vocalists on this planet that could ever touch Bruce Dickinson's vocals. It would be nearly impossible to replace him. It was a disaster when they brought in Blaze Bailey.

In the case of Anthrax John Bush is not a far superior singer to Joey. Infact Joey could hit way more high notes and 'sing' better than the more monotone John Bush. Both are good vocalises but in different ways.

I don't think there is anyone on this forum that doesn't think John Bush is a good vocalist. The point is that the Anthrax songs during the Joey era are what most Anthrax fans want to hear. Even when Anthrax played live during the Bush era most people wanted to hear the 'old shit' and with John on vocals it just didn't sound the same.

In understand most kids on here probably were never even around when Joey was on vocals and got into Anthrax after he left. But for me the first time I saw them live was whent hey opened for Iron Maiden in 91 and that was fuckin awesome. Then of course they played with Slayer, Megadeth, and Alice in Chains at the Clash of the Titans tour which was another classic. And then the arena headlining tour with Primus and Public Enemy... fucking awsome! Anthrax came out with a HUGE clock on stage and you just heard a 'tick tick tick tick tick' and then they came out firing. I will never forget that shit back then. Now I just saw them again with Joey for the first time since then and it was like they never skipped a beat. I am calling for another Iron Maiden / Anthrax tour in 2006!
spitzs lazy eye said:
Joey was in much longer than Neil anyway. They cant be considered covers cause those songs belong to Anthrax regardless of whos in or out. Updated or remixed versions maybe.
So wouldn't the same hold true to Bush singing Joey's songs?
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm not anti-John or anything like that, I just vastly prefer the "classic" Anthrax era w/ Joey, that's all.

And really, no offense, but based on the list of bands you provided, you don't really know what real metal is either. :lol:

I'm not going to argue what bands I like and don't.. That was a list of cd's that I have bought in the past couple of years off the top of my head.