Finally, we see the light....Locust Years is nearly upon us

JayKeeley said:
Locust Years:

First 3 tracks are incredible - equal to the quality found on TAE. "We are the Widows" might be my favoUrite song thus far.

And then...

"War Anthem" and "Widows Wall" take it up a notch if you can believe that (or at least in a new direction with stronger 70's influence) and will leave your jaw gaping. Vocal harmonies between Jamie and Scalzi are on top form.

Still, I feel like I've still only scratched the surface.

let it be written, thy shall be done...boner rising!
Demilich said:
Figures the guy who already heard it gets it first :zombie:

hahahahaa no shit right!?


Shit...I heard a knock on my door this morning at 11:30am and though tit was the mailman coming early but it was a fucking constable. :(
If I was to give you some money from my wallet right now, would that make you feel better? [/ronburgundy]

By the way, when listening to this album, remember what Southern Lord always says....

My copy also arrived...damn this is brilliant, diminished role for Scalzi or not...more complete thoughts when I give this a few more listens, but I can already say the coda on Widow's Wall is one of the most triumphant conclusions to an album I've ever heard...
Demonspell said:
My copy also arrived...damn this is brilliant, diminished role for Scalzi or not...more complete thoughts when I give this a few more listens, but I can already say the coda on Widow's Wall is one of the most triumphant conclusions to an album I've ever heard...

My copy showed up last night. So far my favorite part is the last 15 seconds, that guitar solo is somethin' really supAr special. This one is definitely a real grower, I'm on listen number two and it's grown from a 6/10 type to a few spine-tingling moments already.

Me: :)
^Yeah, the last half of Widow's Wall is insane. Probably the best song on the album, but Trot out the Dead works so much better now that I see those great lyrics...

Just another masterpiece in the making. I'm just on the look out for tour dates now. Can you imagine a show pulling material from all three albums now? wtf.
Cruz del Sur sent me a CD-R before the promos were made. In the meantime, I pre-ordered the real deal from The End. Two days after that digipak turned up, a real promo arrived in my mail box! If I keep holding my breath and praying to baby jesus, maybe a 2LP vinyl will magically appear under my pillow!!