Finnish metal!

Black Crucifixion

Ville Valo is the man :headbang: :headbang:

Agreed!!! I'm DEAD serious.

A year ago, I'd be dissing this band because I thought they were some half-assed, cheesy goth band catered to female audiences. Christ was I wrong! In fact, I'm still blown away by the fact I deliberately avoided this band for so long based on my false-assumptions. Haha, NEVER judge a band by their image or album covers. These are some finely-crafted songs - yes, I think Valo is quite a fucking talent to come out with some of those STUNNING vocal melodies/arrangements as well as the music itself.

Ok, END of HIM frenzy - I have been an addict ever since I gave them a chance.
a few him songs are ok. the rest are gay bullshit, admit it

A few HIM songs are "pretty good", the rest is some of the greatest rock music I have heard in this day and age. In fact, the ENTIRE greatest hits album is A+++ material save for one song at the end. I respect these guys for bringing back GREAT music to the masses. Ville Valo has an amazing vocal range - I'd kill to sing the way he does.

:) Hehe.
Man I really dont know what the deal with HIM is. I mean usually Im so exited about anything even remotely Finnish because I love my homeland but I just dont get why HIM is so special...

Musically they are below average. Katatonia does that slow doom rock/metal 100 better and singing wise Ville is pretty average in my opinion, Mikeal from Opeth has a far better vocal sound for instance. But I give them the fact that they are pretty catchy. I had "WIngs of a Butterfly" stuck in my head for a long time after I heard that for the first time. And I did even like the song then but then there wasnt any depth to the music that would keep my interests past the catchy part.

I dont hate them though, just never understood what the fuss was about...
No way. HIM is one of the greatest bands today. Listen to Funeral of Hearts, man. Seriously, if the part where he sings, "She was the sun shining upon,
The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail, He was the moon painting you, With its glow so vulnerable and pale,"
does nothing for you then I am completely shocked. This part gives me chills.This, to me, is classic song writing and it usually doesn't get any better. Well, rather, many artists would kill to write magnificent melodies along those lines, I'm sure. The kind of songs that just stick with you.

Lets face it, it must be admitted...HIM kicks ass and there's a reason why they're getting popular. Finally, I can't argue with the mainstream. It is valid. These guys just rock. And you know what? Good for them! They deserve the fame and recognition. I mean fuck, I've been listening to this band like 24/7 lately it seems -- even when I go to sleep, on play and repeat. And there's nothing gay about this music at all. Though, it's subjective whether or not you feel the band's image is gay or not hehe. I don't pay attention to image, just the music. It pisses me off when people diss these guys without truly actually giving it a chance. I should know, I've been there. I was one of those ignorant fools, hehe. Greatest hits is a good place to start (I did.)

Also, I just CANNOT compare what is probably my favourite band ever - Katatonia - to HIM, which is slowly becoming one of my all-time fave bands. They are BOTH too damn good (in fact, there is this other band THE LOVELESS which fits nicely with these two as well - also one of the best bands I have heard!). HIM features the catchy, ENDLESS amount of killer tracks that stick with you just as Kata has. But, they do things quite differently. While there are SOME key, hidden similarities, the two bands essentially are quite different from one another. HIM is sad and honest, but maintaining a kind of positive attitude. Katatonia I find to be more "serious" and obviously heavier (at times.)

Oh god, great...:rolleyes: I'm going to write pages defending HIM now. Yikes, things sure have changed.

And I can't help it, but ALL these tracks MUST be heard;

  • And Love Said No (in my top 10)
  • Poison Girl
  • Pretending (in my top 10)
  • Wings of a Butterfly (in my top 10)
  • Dark Light
  • Sweet Pandemonium (in my top 10)
  • Right Here In My Arms (in my top 10)
  • Funeral of Hearts (in my top 10)
  • Sacrament (in my top 10)
  • In Joy and Sorrow
  • Circle of Fear (in my top 10)
  • Heartache Every Moment (in my top 10)
  • Join Me (in my top 10)
  • In Joy and Sorrow (;) dammit, so close to be in my top 10)
  • Beyond Redemption
  • Killing Loneliness (aargh...fucking good one...)
  • Vampire Heart
  • Under a Rose

This list is pretty pointless, one cares, I know. But, maybe someone will also take a look and investigate and discover that a band they long have thought sucked actually is quite the opposite, as I did. :)

Surely there MUST be more HIM listeners around here than just myself,