Best band from the USA?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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Since we've had the best band from Sweden, and Finland, how about the best band from the USA?

My #1 vote is for Nevermore , one of the best bands in the world.
Followed by Symphony X, Slayer, and Dream Theater.
hmn, im gonna have to go for a rock band :eek: what did he say? rock! my god no. well anyway i have to choose The Smashing Pumpkins as they have been the biggest influence on my life and led me on to darker music, with great lyrics which near the end of their career got darker (''you cut out his heart and watch him die...'' - Atom Bomb)

Nile are great too, but they would go down as wannabe Egyptian i think.
Originally posted by gotham
Slayer?! You have to be kidding. Might as well throw in Megadeth and Anthrax?

The reason I threw in Slayer is because the new cd, God Hates Us All, ROCKS! Megadeth could get my vote (they were my favorite band for a long time), but the last few cds have been terrible. Anthrax's last one, Volume 8, is actually not bad.

By the way, who ever said November's Doom, GREAT CHOICE!
I forgot all about this great band.
gotham: By the way, Slayer revolutionized metal in 1986. Do they deserve to be the best us band? Hell yeah. But im sure the new cd is either a Divine Intervention rip off, which was already a rip off of Reign In Blood, or either like the last one. Hmmm which was a good but not great one. And you know that without Slayer there wouldnt be any Morbid Angel.

My favorites are Slayer, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Death, Cynic, Sadus, Pantera, Deicide, Malevolent Creation, Pessimist.
A Slayer and Metallica comment:

Even thought they are not my favorite, they are both metal pioneers. They were both at the top of the class in the metal world - all looked up to them.

Then comes the Megadeth's and Anthrax's of the world.
Far be it from me to start controversy...

Hey I can appreciate Death's technical ability, but does anyone else think a lot of their music is just technical for the sake of being technical. I find it to be a chore to listen to. My biggest beef with them though is that Chuck sound's like a constipated Gremlin. Worst fucking death vocals ever (Dani not withstanding).
Black Heart: Finally someone who knows and love Sadus. I thought I was the only one on the board :p

Gotham: You are forgiven :grin:

Dune_666: Yeah Chuck sounds like a constipated gremlin but it rules!!! :heh:
Anyone seen the Beavis and Butthead show where they laughed at his vocals? hahaha hilarious
Oh man, that´s a tough one. There are so many great bands from USA. Hard to choose the best, but here are my favorites:

Nevermore, Dream Theater, Slayer, Pantera, Manowar, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Testament, Metallica, Fates Warning, Symphony X, Neurosis, Anthrax, Biohazard, Absu, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, Cannibal Corpse etc.

Ok, Slayer is the best US band ever.