First album you ever had

I really don't remember. I think it was some Motley Crue album or something, even though I don't listen to them anymore.

Maybe it was Ed Hunters
and then emptied on the flooooooor. Suddenlyyyyy, the doooor was ooooopen, and Grandmaaaaaa saaaaid, do come in my little friiiieeeend
Mine were the first Boston album, the Police's "Synchronicity", Twisted Sister's "Stay Hungry", and VH's "1984". I list more than one because I remember when I got them. I had all of them on cassette, and it was before I owned any Zeppelin, Kiss, Motley, or Ozzy albums, which came shortly thereafter. I am an old man!
i think my first metal album was Metallica's "Ride The Lightning." a friend of mine got for me on my 13th birthday, i still listen to it all the time

as far as albums in general....i can remember listening to my parents' copy of "Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band: Live '75-'85" when i was like, 7 years old. another album i still enjoy to this day.
My first metal album I had was Megadeth's Killing Is My Business. I was 11 at the time it came out. I was looking at records at a store, and this album jumped out at me. I had no idea who Megadeth were then, but I became so hypnotized by the album that I had to have it. So, I got money from my mom, and I bought the album. I was knocked on my ass in a major way. It was the most intense, and insane record I've heard in my life at that point. The riffs, the speed, Mustaine's snarled vocals. It was quite an experience. My life was forever changed on that day.

Before that the heaviest things I heard were things like Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Ratt from watching MTV, and listening to the radio. Megadeth surpassed that stuff in more ways than one, haha.
my first album... I don't even know...

probably Dokken - Back for the Attack or some other glam rock album

I was raised on a steady diet of Led Zepplin, The Police, The Beatles, J. Giles Band, Pink Floyd, Clapton, Steve Miller Band, Hendrix, The Yardbirds, and tons of other classic rock.