first band you got into?

thecrimsonchin, just accept these things already; a)you don't know dick about metal genres and b)you don't cite AMG for all your metal needs, because it doesn't satisfy anyone's.

Death power metal? Dying Fetus grind? For crying out loud I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but know you're being ridiculous and stubborn in your ignorance. Give it up already.
You know I don't hate you FP, haha.....I know you consider Dying Fetus grind, and it's clear; there are some grind elements here and there. But it really is few and far between in my view. So much so that I wouldn't even call them deathgrind. Exactly like Life Sucks said; hardcore influenced death metal. That tag seems to fit them like a glove.

But meh, if you still think of them as grind, that's ok....but I doubt i'd be right if I suddenly thought for some reason that you considered Death power metal! (in which case i'd have to rethink how much I respect you! =)
SculptedCold said:
thecrimsonchin, just accept these things already; a)you don't know dick about metal genres and b)you don't cite AMG for all your metal needs, because it doesn't satisfy anyone's.

Death power metal? Dying Fetus grind? For crying out loud I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but know you're being ridiculous and stubborn in your ignorance. Give it up already.

I don't know dick about power metal, but I'm not completely fucking ignorant. It's not a ridiculous notion to consider df grind. Besides I backed down right away with the death thing because I KNEW I was dead wrong. I just don't listen to power metal, so I took a shot in the dark.

Secondly, I cited amg because I listen to more then just metal, so it came to mind. It's a well known source, so I figured it would help reinforce my argument.

And finally, your a self-proclaimed mudvayne fan-(which I wouldn't have a problem with if you weren't insulting my knowledge of said genre), but lets face it buddy,it's a bit tough to take criticism from a fan of nu-metal.

And take note-I defined dying fetus as GOOD grind. Almost everything else I've heard in the genre is terrible in comparison. Could that be because they aren't so bland?


I saw someone define Opeth as melodic death metal(which I can see) but I consider them to me more progressive metal-did I flame them? No. Because depending on that persons taste Opeth could be more of a melodic death metal band to them. Does that make sense? If you can see the grind elements in df then why do you feel compelled to bust my balls?

ummm. what i use to classify bands like this is... its nice they call DF death metal.... and my first bands

Death - Bloodbath
Melo-death - In Flames
Nu-metal - KoRn and Slipknot
Black Metal - Emperor
Viking Metal - Enslaved
Grindcore - Cephalic Carnage
Power Metal - Blind Guardian

First Metal BandsEver - Opeth and Meshuggah

Death - Deicide
Melo-death - Soilwork
Nu-metal - KoRn
Black Metal - Satyricon
Thrash: 2ton Predator

The rest is too unclear.
Black: Emperor
Hardcore: Cave-In (before they became prog rock)
Thrash: Slayer
Death: At the gates
Melo-Death: Soilwork
Power: Children of Bodom
Grind: Soilent Green

First ever: Cave-In (they used to be full on hardcore metal) :)
power metal = im indifferent to it, i dig iron maiden i guess if its on in the background or something

death metal = cannibal corpse - saw their video for "devoured by vermin" on mtv2 years ago but never bothered to check em out

melo-death = arch enemy-im not sure what counts as melo death, im sure a lot of you would call ae simply melodic metal, if so, then the answer is Carcass

nu-metal = i got into music in general pretty late, so the first band that i ever liked was linkin park...i'll say no more

black metal = emperor-i borrowed anthems to the welkin at dusk from a friend and at first i didnt like it, thought it was too harsh, then i gave it another go a few months later and actually let the songs play through and i fucking loved it

grindcore = napalm death-i heard "scum" on a compilation cd from a magazine, then i went out and bought the album of the same name

thrash = slayer - i bought "south of heaven" cos john dolmayan from soad said it was his fave metal cd in a magazine interview (lol i used to be a huge system fan) and loved it from the start

first metal bands ever = linkin park, system of a down and tool

The first metal band I ever heard of was Iron Maiden. I was 11 years old and didn't know much English. I thought Iron Maiden was the name of the mascotte...
I kept searching for "his" music and finally got it through a friend who pronounced Iron Maiden "the English way"... it took me a while to realize he was talking about Iron Maiden. I like the music but I don't like Bruce Dickinson's voice.

A little later I got into Metallica and this has been my favourite band ever since.

Recently I got into melodic death and viking metal and Amon Amarth's my favourite band in this genre.
Power Metal: Rhapsody
Death Metal: Sentenced (the old ones)
Melo-Death: COB
Nu-metal: Linkin Park
Black Metal: Dimmu Borgir
Grindcore: Runemagick
Thrash: Metallica
thrash - Celtic Frost
death metal - Death
melodeath - Opeth
black metal - Dimmu Borgir
doom metal - Paradise Lost
gothic metal - Katatonia
grind - Lock Up
power metal - Mercyful Fate
Metalcore-Poison the Well
nu metal-Korn (hate them now)
melodic death - Soilwork/In Flames.
power metal - Blind Guardian.
nu-metal - Limp Bizkit (they count?)/Linkin Park.
black metal - Dimmu (do they count?) if not, Darkthrone.
doom metal - My Dying Bride.
gothic metal - Lacuna Coil/Katatonia.
Progressive metal - Symphony X.

The first metal band I got into.. was Black Sabbath I think.
thecrimsonchin said:
I don't know dick about power metal, but I'm not completely fucking ignorant. It's not a ridiculous notion to consider df grind. Besides I backed down right away with the death thing because I KNEW I was dead wrong. I just don't listen to power metal, so I took a shot in the dark.
Clearly you know dick abut death metal as well otherwise you would know that is what Death are. I'm guessing my goldfish knows more about metal than you do.

thecrimsonchin said:
And finally, your a self-proclaimed mudvayne fan-(which I wouldn't have a problem with if you weren't insulting my knowledge of said genre), but lets face it buddy,it's a bit tough to take criticism from a fan of nu-metal.
And so because he likes a nu-metal band you win the argument? Ah yes now I see, it doesn't matter if you are the most massive retard alive as long as whoever you're arguing with likes Mudvayne. My mistake.

thecrimsonchin said:
And take note-I defined dying fetus as GOOD grind. Almost everything else I've heard in the genre is terrible in comparison. Could that be because they aren't so bland?
No it's because you: A) Have no taste, and B) Wouldn't know a grindcore band if it tried to gang rape you.

thecrimsonchin said:
I saw someone define Opeth as melodic death metal(which I can see) but I consider them to me more progressive metal-did I flame them? No. Because depending on that persons taste Opeth could be more of a melodic death metal band to them. Does that make sense? If you can see the grind elements in df then why do you feel compelled to bust my balls?
All together now: BECAUSE YOU'RE A MORON!
Power Metal: Blind Guardian
Death Metal: Death
Melo-Death: Children Of Bodom
Nu-metal: Not into Nu-Metal
Black Metal: Burzum
Grindcore: Not into Grindcore
Thrash: Metallica