First Cob you hear

SSJ4SephirothX said:
Is my name that hard to remember? Anyways, just call me Seph. Everyone does anyways. It's easier and 'friendlier (misspelled?)' that way.

NP: Dream Theater - Caught in a Web

No, it's not. I remembered it correctly, but I was in a good mood on that occasion, and when I'm in a good mood, I like to make jokes of about every little thing. I guess it's genetic, 'cause my father always makes jokes. Although his jokes are getting old, 'cause I've listened to his stories for 21 years now. :lol:
I know their music for a year of 2/3 now. My boyfriend put up this cd and I just had to know what it was.. The first song that really got to me was Red Light in my Eyes.. Still one of my favourites.. From then on, I was hooked..
A friend bought Hatebreeder and played the last track to me! I got caught, burned a copy, went on vacation and returned with all CoB albums purchased. This was two years ago
I remember the first time. The moment when me and Alexi was six. We were in the kindergarten in Espoo and he took his guitar and played the very first riff. And i said: Hey dood, you should make a fuckin' band. And he did.


:lol: :lol: :lol: