First Cob you hear

I first got into COB a few months ago, i was posting at another board when one person recommended that i buy a Children Of Bodom album, he told me that i should get Hatebreeder so i bought and have been hooked ever since. when i put the CD on for the first time it was a great moment when i heard Warheart from that moment they became one of my favorite bands, i have now bought Something Wild and Hatecrew Deathroll, i'm yet to buy Follow The Reaper, can't find it around my area so i might order it of the net.
I saw a tab of "Bodom After Midnight" a year ago and downloaded the song. I wasn't big into metal at the time and I didn't know it was this good. I've discovered better metal bands since, but I still like CoB.
Bought Downfall cds whenever it was released and got hooked for life..
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Fist cob song I've heard is ETID, and I dislike it, Its maybe 1 yrs ago, in this time i was listening bands like TooL, but when I was in a bad time, I've went see my freind Welly, And ask him to give me ETID, It was the begining, Then I cannot pass a day without lisent to cob
I'm started listenning C.O.B since my girlfriend showed me video clip called Something truly kicks my ass...hehehe I love them until now...:)
welly made me listen to Bed of razors few month ago, it was my initiation at metal and i didn't like that because of alexi's voice :cry: :ill:( but welly is very insistent) and i finally listened to the music and forgot the voice and now i can't pass a day without one of their song and i understood that cob without alexi's voice shouldn't be the same

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