First DT cd purchase?

My first DT CD was Enter Suicidal Angels, followed quickly by The Mind's I. I'd say go for TMI....or The Gallery. DD's a good starter too. Hm, not much help, am I? Just get them all. :p
Hey Kittarin! Welcome to the board :)
For your first cd hmmm I say go with one of the newer albums. Haven and Damage Done both seem to work well with getting people started on DT.
OR I could just let you listen to some songs from each of the albums next time we get together! I also have 2 copies of Skydancer/Of Chaos, so I could give you one, if you're lucky:devil:

oh and my first DT purchase was Skydancer.
My first DT album was The Gallery, not a bad option at all. But I think The Mind's I would be a slightly better choice since I find it the best DT album.
I don't have cds from them
I download all their songs and burn them

I bought projector first,I'd recommend that
my first was Projector -- I hated it then, though.

I'd suggest starting off with the new one, Damage Done.
Well, as you can see there is as many oppions as there are albums, so what can you conclude?
Get any one of them :)

My first was The Gallery, which I think is a rather good starting point, tho I like Skydancer more.
RealHazard said:
Mitt fist fast Haven but .. fuck..
this is all been done before.. oh Rahvin!!!

on a cosmological scale, everything has already been done before at least once.
on a universal level, we can't take no action but those that copy and perpetuate those of the ones who have come before.
on a specific level, i don't remember people asking for everybody's first dt cd before, so stuff it. :p

Projector was the first CD i could get my hands on... and of course i think the best possibility. But if you have a choice, get Damage Done and make your way back, i think.