New Metal Member
Bambi said:daniel day lewis is'nt irish tho'..
Thanks, I corrected

Bambi said:daniel day lewis is'nt irish tho'..
Strangelight said:I tink hes gorra nouse ere tho
Bambi said:Everyone thinks he's irish (including him lol) but he was born in london and as far as I know he parents were dead posh english types. his father was the poet laureate i think, how graaande
Dhatura said:Took me five minutes but I got it!
Strangelight said:whats gonhorrea like?
Crack Hitler said:It depends :Smug: But from my perspective short-mohawk-haired dudes are the manliest. Not that I watch guys that way.. umm.. you know.. Just talkin about meself. Right?