folkish power metal...

The_Isle said:
ah yes krigloch is right, however the folk i end up finding always lacks an "edge" to it, I guess it's liveliness and energy I'm looking for.

I'm not really looking for folk metal with death/black vocals aka viking metal as I already can find plenty of good bands of said genre.

In the end, I can still only claim Tyr and Elvenking as the two bands i know of who

1. use clean vocals
2. have an overt folk/pagan influence.

Skyclad mate. Their latter stuff is far folkier than their early stuff.

Actually, albums like "Ouis Avant Garde A Chance" are almost 100% folk.

I prefer "Vintage Whine" and "Folkemon" from their latter periods.

The Lord Weird Slough Feg are also pretty folky / celtic (and fucking awesome)
Carcassian said:
"Ouis Avant Garde A Chance"

That is one of the best album titles ever. The only Skyclad I have at the moment is Prince of the Poverty Line but I will be checking out more of them at some point.
That is one of the best album titles ever. The only Skyclad I have at the moment is Prince of the Poverty Line but I will be checking out more of them at some point.

Oh mate, I'm a huge Skyclad fan (well, the Walkyier years, anyway).

IMO their best albums, from best to worst:-

Prince of the Poverty Line
Silent Whales of Lunar Sea
Vintage Whine
Irrational Anthems
A Burnt Offering for the Bone Idol
Jonahs Ark
Wayward Sons of Mother Earth
Oui Avant Garde A Chance

(all the above worth having)

The Answer Machine.

I havent included Eps etc
Susperia said:
Would any one possibly be able to hook me up with one of their albums? I am deeply curious as to what Viking Punk sounds like. PM or IM me. Thank you!

It has the word "punk" in it, and thus is likely to be very gay.
I don't see how a band that has "Glitter" in the name can not be gay. I don't care what it means in Norwegian. Glitter is gay. It's not negotiable or subject to language or culture considerations.
Susperia said:
Would any one possibly be able to hook me up with one of their albums? I am deeply curious as to what Viking Punk sounds like. PM or IM me. Thank you!

Yeah, get on AIM and I will send it to you.

It is pretty damned good, just imagine Otyg + Dropkick Murphys.