folkish power metal...

ah yes krigloch is right, however the folk i end up finding always lacks an "edge" to it, I guess it's liveliness and energy I'm looking for.

I'm not really looking for folk metal with death/black vocals aka viking metal as I already can find plenty of good bands of said genre.

In the end, I can still only claim Tyr and Elvenking as the two bands i know of who

1. use clean vocals
2. have an overt folk/pagan influence.
Not all Viking Metal uses harsh vocals . Just look at Falkenbach and Tyr, some Thyrfing, Primordial..... I consider the latter Viking so shhhh!

Anyway, I never pay attention to power Metal so I can't help you really. However, how is Elvenking? I have not heard them yet. Are they power Metal? I thought they were just Folk.
Elvenking's demo To Oak Woods Bestowed and their debut album Heathenreel are easily my favorite releases in power metal. They are very good, folky power metal, and I'd say mandatory for anyone who likes folk or power metal.

Wyrd however is a pretty bad album, and The Winter Wake is just average.
Einherjer yeah, Odin Owns Ye All is all clean vocals.

Glittertind use clean vocals as well, and are an odd breed. Viking ... punk.
Yeah, Glittertind is a pretty strange band. I found a promo of Evige Asatro for like, 3€ at a record expo and bought it, and found out it's by a 17-year old guy who played every instrument himself. Pretty impressive.

Didn't exactly match my tastes, but I'm sure someone into that kind of viking stuff will like it.