very good points guitargodgt, paying for sucky mp3s is bullshit and i'll never do it.
alright here's my view - i'm young and naive and my views may be really flawed, feel free to contradict me
i steal all my music. i only buy what i can afford - about 5 of my top favourites per year, i'm trying to get more though because i like CD's.
i give away all my music on the internet. ideally i'd like to also have it available on CD for people who value the physical product.
why? because it's art. you shouldn't expect art to pay your bills, you create art because you have a calling. the best reward for me is for other people to enjoy my music, i don't really care if they're paying me for it or not. you work for art, not the other way around.
as a talented artist, you can either become popular to a number of people and earn a living from your music, or you can not earn a dime. but guess what, the same is true for a shit artist! what i'm getting at is,
there is no connection between the intrinsec value of your music and the amount of money it earns you. young people should be discouraged to pick up a guitar hoping to use it to earn a decent living - that's a path to mediocrity.
of course it's different when talking about live shows and making albums - a lot of people put in a lot of work here that's separate from the art itself and obviously everyone involved should earn a decent amount of money for their work.
i'm not saying artists should starve to death, of course - i don't have a solution to the poor artists problem. what i AM saying is that artists should stop bitching about money they're not getting, the only purpose of their art should be as immaterial as the art itself.
so, if i don't have an alternative solution to feeding the artists and the engineers and everyone involved, does acting on what i feel is right make me a bad person?