For those who fail to recognize the power of Opeth

Originally posted by extensive desolation
I’m not going to waste my precious time convincing you that Opeth is the greatest band in the world. I’ve got only one small advice. Spend 10 minutes each day standing on your head. Your musical tastes will be greatly improved as more and more blood flows through your brain cells.

if i spend 10 minutes of each day standing on your head, would that help you somehow? ;)

Originally posted by Misanthrope
No, i think ill spend 10 weeks launching attacks at this forum for every message you post, until it suffers the faith Omir mentioned.

Time for subtle crap is over motherfuckers, either the opeth forum stops this asshole or they all go down with it, in fact we ALL go down with it and you can fucking count on that.

:lol: :lol: :lol: You are fucking pathetic man! It´s a message bord it´s not like you have to be here...

Flame away if it makes you feel any better... I might just put you´re sorry ass on my ignore list.
Can't decide if I wanna take the complete piss out of this bullshit thread (in the usual fashion), or actually make a valid and coherent point about what's being said............

Hmmmm... think I'll go with the coherent/valid thingy.....

Originally posted by TrueBeliever
I love how opeth fans (some of them I mean) think they're so smart for listening to it. And everyone who doesn't must be a moron who only likes blast beats. It's good music, but it's not my favorite, and not the best (because thats only an opinion). Idiot people like you don't convince people about anything, most of the time it makes people listen to the band less. Listening to it doesn't make you anything special. One idiot said not everyone can fully appreciate it (or some bullshit like that). Thought he was smarter because he liked it.

I suppose I could be accused, to some extent of thinking like this (Not acting like this though).

But in my particular case, my.... disdain (for want of a better word) only applies to people who don't listen to metal. I just can't seem to accept or understand why people who don't listen to metal see it as one of the most diverse and dynamic genres of music there is........

While Opeth are by far my favourite band, I can't see the point of holding them sacred above all other metal bands. I can see why other bands within the genre are appreciated by different people to the same extent that I appreciate Opeth. To put it frankly, I'm simply happy to see other people discovering bands of equal calibre in the metal scene......

The only other thing I will mention is that while I happen to think this way, I try to actaully keep the enforcing of my opinions upon others to a minimum.

Was there a point to the gibberish I just posted in this thread?

.... I kinda doubt it.
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
I love how opeth fans (some of them I mean) think they're so smart for listening to it. And everyone who doesn't must be a moron who only likes blast beats. It's good music, but it's not my favorite, and not the best (because thats only an opinion). Idiot people like you don't convince people about anything, most of the time it makes people listen to the band less. Listening to it doesn't make you anything special.

indeed it doesn't make you anything special.
you listen to it becasue you ARE special.

and btw.
if music create so many confusion, chaos, argument,
"the only true band threads" and so on
it must mean something. don't you think so?
people don't care about shitty music which doesn't affect them emotionally.
Originally posted by extensive desolation
and btw.
if music create so many confusion, chaos, argument,
"the only true band threads" and so on
it must mean something. don't you think so?
people don't care about shitty music which doesn't affect them emotionally.

yes. and this happens to reggae, hip-hop, trance, goa, ebm, ska-core, oi!, straight edge, black metal, soul, hair metal.... *yawn*

my guess is you're a troll. am i wrong? ;)

Originally posted by rahvin
yes. and this happens to reggae, hip-hop, trance, goa, ebm, ska-core, oi!, straight edge, black metal, soul, hair metal.... *yawn*


sometimes people argue about which book is better and sometimes about which toilet paper is softer.

tell me why there are so many opeth "elite fanboys" and not so many in flames or dark tranquillity "elite fanboys"?

saying that "YOU have created those monsters" is not an answer.
1. Opeth music is that good.
2. Opeth music is so bad that only idiots listen to it.
@extensive desolation: neither. i think opeth's songwriting might lure more stuck-up, self-important arrogant idiots. this is clearly not the music's fault, which is as honest and innocent as almost all other music. only, it might just be that more dumb guys think they're special because they listen to it instead of the simplest punk tune.

it doesn't really worry me, since for all such idiots it will anyway be over soon, likely to be replaced by another way of looking at themselves as gifted from some god. possibly those who just like the music will instead continue to like it 10-20 years from now.

still, i don't really think you're an opeth fan, more like some anti-opeth bugger who aims to stir up trouble and cast opeth fans in a negative light. and bear in mind this comes from someone who doesn't listen to opeth.

Not everyone can like every band.

There is nothing wrong with thinking the bands you listen to are superior. Everyone thinks this to some extent, or they would go listen to something else. Who likes listening to inferior music?
Originally posted by rahvin
@extensive desolation: neither. i think opeth's songwriting might lure more stuck-up, self-important arrogant idiots. this is clearly not the music's fault, which is as honest and innocent as almost all other music. only, it might just be that more dumb guys think they're special because they listen to it instead of the simplest punk tune.

there is a big gap between opeth and simple punk tune.
but you still haven't answered my question.
why opeth has this problem? There are tons of metal bands with music better than simplest punk tunes.
And I think that it takes more brainpower to enjoy classical music or Opeth (there aren't many metal bands comparable to classical music) than to enjoy hip-hop or the simplest punk tune.
So in fact those "dumb guys" are indeed special in some way (of course if they really enjoy that music and not only say that they do).
You can shout around about political correctness and tolerance but it won't change the fact that there are a lot of emotions around Opeth music. And Mikael can be proud of that because it's the best reward for an artist.

There always is a group of people who had metaphysical experiences and tells everybody around about them and the second group of people who hadn’t any and thinks that the former must be mad. (of course they are, aren’t they?)

So as I said. Without standing on your head you won’t get anywhere at all.
I am serious about that.
And I was equally serious about the need for you to stand on your head all day well away from the computer.

You evidently are completely devoid of useful thought, or elsewise you'd realise that:

a) In a Opeth forum, it is full of Opeth fans who like Opeth unless
b) a group of people have come in because some idiot (i.e. you) is sounding off and making completely foolish remarks that he can't even back up when someone starts actually using their brain.

Opeth's music is indeed for me emotional and interesting, but I can equally well see how people can think of them as unoriginal, uninteresting and unneccesary.

I can certainly see how they could think that of you.
Originally posted by extensive desolation
sometimes people argue about which book is better and sometimes about which toilet paper is softer.

tell me why there are so many opeth "elite fanboys" and not so many in flames or dark tranquillity "elite fanboys"?

saying that "YOU have created those monsters" is not an answer.
1. Opeth music is that good.
2. Opeth music is so bad that only idiots listen to it.

Dude, come off it!
Originally posted by Mayh
:lol: :lol: :lol: You are fucking pathetic man! It´s a message bord it´s not like you have to be here...

Flame away if it makes you feel any better... I might just put you´re sorry ass on my ignore list.

We have an ignore list? shit.. better get to it :D

oh btw. This thread is a good example of ignorance on all accounts.