Forum Meeting

To sum up: if a party of 5 people can be arranged, the per capita cost of the trip - assuming a very generous 150 euros for in situ expenses, such as show ticket/food/drinks/merch/fuel/etc - would clock in at somewhere between 300 and 400 euros depending on how good Ryanair decides to be to you. .

there is absolutely no way for me to get that much money until then.:erk:
We need to find a sponsor. How about Coca Cola, or Century Media with the claim that their DVD will sell more this way? :Spin:
You guys mean a sponsor for a bunch of Internet users from different countries travelling to Italy to see a band they like? Yeah, I can see that happening! :rolleyes:
At least there should be some sort of contest connected to it, like MTV used to do.
You guys mean a sponsor for a bunch of Internet users from different countries travelling to Italy to see a band they like? Yeah, I can see that happening! :rolleyes:
At least for me. I'm awesome enough. Ain't i? :Smug:
there is absolutely no way for me to get that much money until then.:erk:

Well, how much did you expect to spend, really? It's an interesting psychological phenomenon - a lot of people take off on so-called budget holidays, convincing themselves that they're going to spend a weekend 1000 km from home on 100 euros, only to go back thinking "Oh noes I spent five times the amount" (say, you go with your tent only to find out that camping sites are few and far between and you have to fork out a certain amount for transportation, catering on the road, whatever). Maybe it's because I work as an economist, but I'm pretty convinced that thinking that you're going to go on the impossibly cheap is not going to save you money.

The only way you have to attend this meeting on less than 300 euros or so involves hitch-hiking, being tied to someone else's schedule, sleeping in airports as I did when following Bad Religion on tour a few years ago, or having very generous friends who put you up for the night, buy your food and drinks and your ticket.

Anyway, let's everyone do whatever they please and here's to me learning once again that if you're reasonable and spend your time trying to help other people you're not going to reap any praise or consideration, at least on here. What do I care about offering you good travel arrangements after all? It's not as if I'm making any money off it, and I can easily attend the DT gig in Rome, approximately fifteen minutes from my place, all for the whopping cost of about 75 cents on motorbike fuel, plus the ticket price.
Anyway, let's everyone do whatever they please and here's to me learning once again that if you're reasonable and spend your time trying to help other people you're not going to reap any praise or consideration, at least on here.
I realise i didn't sound very appreciative, but i did think it was great of you to offer all those organisational options and info. And btw, why don't you get rid of the GONE and come back? :)
I appreciated the info, too. :)
We knew that it wasnt going to be cheap but I dont see the contradiction.. looking forward to something and hoping you can go can very well co-exist with the low probability of you actually coming up with the money so what's your point?
We're not all in the same situation, if I had a degree already and a job, it would probably pay well and 500 euros for an occasion like that would be money spend well and easy but may I remind you, Im still a student. If you think really hard, maybe you'll remember all the good things you wanted to do as a student but couldnt when the money wasnt there.
So the info is much appreciated, the condescending attitude is not
If you think really hard, maybe you'll remember all the good things you wanted to do as a student but couldnt when the money wasnt there.

I actually have a very heavy mortgage and am financially restricted as can be. In this sense, I had to bum money off rahvin to attend the m'era luna festival two weeks ago. So yes, I understand what it is to be constrained. I'm not suggesting that you all borrow cash from the mod, tho. :)

What I was trying to say is that it almost sounded like the trip could be insanely cheap before I gave some figures, as if the figures themselves made it more expensive, no matter that these were the best offers I could find.

@Siren: coming back has its appeal, but for the time being I think I'll just contribute what I can to this thread and occasionally comments somewhere else. Unfortunately, I cannot see the bad blood that used to be here going away anytime soon, especially as Misanthrope came back spouting venom on everyone and people seem to actually be happy about it. Most users in this forum (ok, not everyone, but most) do not have a culture of showing respect or acting civilly. It's the internet equivalent of eating with your elbows on the table, and as much as I would like to trade a few quips with the good few when I'm bored, I'm determined that I'm in the right where manners are concerned, and in this sense I'm pretty much a my-way-or-the-highway kind of person, especially because it's not my way specifically but rather ages of human civilization that crystallized certain notions of correct behavior.

edit: I also have my doubts that students in a developed country cannot save 350-400 euros in two months. Again, speaking from experience of being constrained: try not going out on weekends (organize something at home, have your friends temporarily provide the drinks and return the favor when you can), cut back on your phone/internet use, if need be switching contracts to something less expensive for a while and bum public wifi whenever you can; do not buy CDs, eat fresh groceries instead of pre-processed fare (which is healtier besides being less expensive), drink less alcohol. I guess that the average student spends about 200 euros on entertainment/junk food/beers/telecommunications on any given month. Only they don't realize it, as one beer in the pub is only 3 euros or so, but when you add them up it makes for a pretty fat sum. Example: I know you're not a smoker, but a student who smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day spends nearly 150 euros per month on fags alone. I guess that for any lifestyle cutbacks can be arranged.

2nd edit: I also mentioned 300-400 including 150 euros for fun expenses. if you come and only drink water, get your food at a supermarket etc you can save 100 of those 150.
I'm not suggesting that you all borrow cash from the mod, tho. :)
How about some of us? ;)

In my case there's not much i can cut back on to save money. The only "useless" stuff i bought in the past month were a couple of books, and i haven't bought a cd in ages. I could maybe stop the gym and stop buying presents for friends, and drive less. Problem with me is that if i cut back on expenses, the money doesn't end up in my pocket anyway, since i'll be saving for someone else.
Personally, I have no idea how much money each of you can or is willing to spend for the trip. If you manage to get within 50km of Milan I'll give you a hand as far as transportation is concerned, all the information I have, a pat on the shoulder, and I might at some point get really mellow and buy a round. ;)
As for the rest of the trip, I'm sure you'll make it home allright and not broke if you decide you can come, so just keep working on it if you're interested.
Money is not a problem for me here, even though I'm certainly not rich; and I do appreciate all possible information about Milan. The thing is, not all my plans and schedules for the rest of the year are finalized yet, so I can't say for sure whether or not I will be able to come there at all.

I probably should know better by mid-September.

edit: I also have my doubts that students in a developed country cannot save 350-400 euros in two months. Again, speaking from experience of being constrained: try not going out on weekends (organize something at home, have your friends temporarily provide the drinks and return the favor when you can), cut back on your phone/internet use, if need be switching contracts to something less expensive for a while and bum public wifi whenever you can; do not buy CDs, eat fresh groceries instead of pre-processed fare (which is healtier besides being less expensive), drink less alcohol. I guess that the average student spends about 200 euros on entertainment/junk food/beers/telecommunications on any given month. Only they don't realize it, as one beer in the pub is only 3 euros or so, but when you add them up it makes for a pretty fat sum. Example: I know you're not a smoker, but a student who smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day spends nearly 150 euros per month on fags alone. I guess that for any lifestyle cutbacks can be arranged.

i only get 600 euros each month, i never go out, i dont drink much alcool, i dont smoke and i usually cook myself. And i dont buy CD's, I dont go to the movies,... And all i can manage to save in a month is like 30 euros. The appartement costs me 280 every month, plus internet and phone (20 euros /person and +/-15 for the cell phone).
Every 3 months, i pay a train ticket to go with my bf to his parents's

and i was thinking i could only pay the flight, teh concert and food. I was thinking on coming friday afternoon, go to the gig and then go back to the airport and sleep there or not sleeping at all.

i appreciate your help, but i was just saying it is not possible for me to come. I dont think i can even pay just the plane ticket. :)
and i was thinking i could only pay the flight, teh concert and food. I was thinking on coming friday afternoon, go to the gig and then go back to the airport and sleep there or not sleeping at all.

i appreciate your help, but i was just saying it is not possible for me to come. I dont think i can even pay just the plane ticket. :)

What about a train? I'm not sure I remember where you live right now (Germany? Belgium?) but it might help you save money. Maybe check with Matse or someone.
Whatever you do, anyway, do not plan to spend the night or part of it at the train station: it's definitely not an airport when it comes to the "coming out in one piece" factor. ;)

edit: Ok, maybe I should learn to read people's location.
I really don't know how things are in the "developed" countries but here in Macedonia doing anything you like usually comes with giving up many things. I work a full time job and i get payed 300 euro a month (which is above average), so guess how much money will be left for other things in November :) To top that, i have to get an Italian visa ( which is complicated) and if i get it then i will have to get a Bulgarian visa (not that complicated but i have to make appointments and what not) because i will be traveling by bus to Sofia since i will be flying from Sofia to Milan (EasyJet flies from there).
I'm not complaining or anything, my point was that for awesome things like this (the whole show and dvd recording and all) every sacrifice is fucking worth it even if it means that i will be living like a bum for a month afterwards.

Not that anyone would care but i actually look forward to meeting you, i haven't been around much lately but i used to spend much time lurking and i like this place :)
train: it would costs +/- 76 euros if i book my ticket now. Thats already better than a flight (around 100 euros). Only not so great thin: between 9:30 and 10:30 travel time from here (i live not so far away from Cologne)

i wouldnt try spending the night in the train station, they are normally closed at one point, and teh security wouldnt be really good :p
There is a youth hostel in Milano but it is not in the city center so i dont know when the last bus/tram/subay to get there is scheduled. (it is cheaper than an hotel, but all i can find online are prices separates dormitory rooms for men and women, which is not great when you travel with your bf :p Maybe they do have rooms for 2 persons).
for interested people:Youth Hostels:
Warning: many hostels ask you to pay a little more if you are not a member of the Youth Hostel network.