We're back with the 5th Solo Competition everybody!
This backing track is in A Mixolydian, 80 bpm, and is set up to go briefly into the relative minor key, B minor. Chord progression for A Mix.= I-VII, chord progression for B Min.= I-III.
Here it is:
A Mixolydian is the 5th mode in the key of D major, the 7th mode in the key of B Minor, for those who aren't aware.
Bear in mind, as a result of common tones, there are many more scale choices than just A Mixolydian, though I don't want to give these away; half the fun in creating a solo is figuring out this stuff for yourself! So, jam away, and find what sounds best to you!
The idea here, with the simplicity in the backing track, is to allow everyone to set up a theme, and lay down a solo rich in melody, so let's hear it!
The rules for the competition will be a little different this time:
All entries must be received by Wednesday, April 11th at 1pm PST. Yes, we're giving you 2 weeks this time! Plenty of time to come up with something.
Please send you entries to:
steve@stevesmyth.com Mp3 format, and preferably NOT LABELED WITH YOUR NAME! Instead, please label the mp3 5th solo competition. We reveal the winning entry's identity at the end of the vote.
After all entries have been received, we'll put them up, and we'll have a vote for the favorite solo. The poll will be up for one week this time, until April 18th, tentatively, barring any scheduling conflicts that may arise for me to get these up there on time.
Winner of this competition will have the opportunity to create the next backing track!
Allright everyone, that's it for now! SPREAD THE WORD! Let's get you regulars in here (and lurkers, ha ha!) in on the action, and hear what you got!
Best of luck to all who enter, looking forward to hearing all of you on this one!