forum solo competition

Who do *you* think shreds the best?

  • Entry 01

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 02

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Entry 03

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Entry 04

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • Entry 05

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Entry 06

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 07

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • Entry 08

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
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I was wondering if the date was really wrong or if I had just lost all sense of time and space :lol:

and to confuse everyone else, I submitted my entry 1:40pm on Wednesday the 11th, and that was a good 10 hours ago! :)
We have the entries! And here they are:

We'll keep the poll open for 1 week for this round, until Thursday, April 19th.

As always, vote for your favorite! The winner will have the opportunity to provide the next backing track.

My thanks to all who entered this time, and best of luck!:rock: :rock: :rock:

I just got a "mail delivery failed" message for the mail I sent to you with my entry, Steve.
A whole three days after I actually sent the mail (on April 9th). This is fucked up... :zombie:

Hey Fifth Horseman,
I agree man! I am not sure what happened, but it should have come through to me, but I never got it. Ah technology, eh?
Hope you'll get in on the next one man!:rock:
Hey Fifth Horseman,
I agree man! I am not sure what happened, but it should have come through to me, but I never got it. Ah technology, eh?
Hope you'll get in on the next one man!:rock:

Yeah, the reason stated was a "connection time out"... after three days, oh man. And I just got this mail when you put the poll up. Murphy's law at its best. :lol:
Don't know why though, my entries to the other contests got through to you fine in the past.
Next time I'll be sure to check back with you if you get the entry!

As for this contest, once again I have a hard time to vote ... great stuff, guys.
lol@Rafe :)

I like all of them, I feel like I'm gettin' my groove on for about half an hour after I leave the computer! Good job to all of you!
Let me say this was tough to decide. everyone REALLY REALLY surprised me with how much feel they put into this one. The guitar tone choices were stellar aswell.

Number 4 had this cool bluesy distortion tone in the B section that i loved, Sounded 5150ish great tone.

I voted number 1 caause of the awsome use of passing tones and the b5 the change in the B section was stellar aswell.

Great Job Everyone !!!
Congratulations to Profeta, the winner of the 5th Steve Smyth Forum Solo Competition!

A really good combo of modal mixture in there, as well as the chord melody at the head and end of the song, really tied it together well man. And I dug the jazzy inflected lines you put in there as well, reminded me a little bit of Vai over all in approach(never a bad thing, I think!).

I'd like to thank all who entered this time around, and let me tell you, I think ALL OF THEM WERE GREAT!!! I heard some really good ideas from all of you, and the fact that you put a theme of some kind in there as well, really brought more of a "song" to the forefront, as opposed to just a vehicle to solo over, which to me, gets a little boring after a while.

Kudos to Guru for his idea of doing something a little more laid-back and mellow this time around, and "open" enough to build a theme around!:rock:

And, my thanks to all who voted this time around as well! Good to see people getting more involved in the voting, and checking out your fellow boarders!:rock:

Allright, Profeta, I have e-mailed you, and will wait to hear back from you,and we'll get started on the next backing track real soon here!
Thank man :rock:
This was a great track to solo over, it had room to do a lot of stuff.
Who were the other ones? I specially liked some of the stuff in entry 04.
Numba 4 was me. It was mostly a 3am jaunt into my new JSX. Split into 4 parts, Clean/Clean+ts/Crunch/Crunch+ts

Was a great backing track I agree, and congrats profeta!!
Hey Everybody,

After a brief delay, we're back with the 6th Steve Smyth Forum Solo Competition!!!

The winner of the the 5th competition was Profeta, who has provided this awesome backing track in B Harmonic Minor.

And here it is:

Here's the info on the song, as per Profeta: "The tempo is
68 bpm.
The chord progression goes like this: F# - Fsus4
- G - Bm." Basically, progression wise, it's moving from V-Vsus4-VI-I.

B Harmonic Minor, and all of it's modes will work wonderfully here, although there is room for more than just this scale set; with the openess of the track, the fact that the chords hang for a bar each, and using common tone knowledge, you can get into a lot of really cool and different scale choices here!

We'll keep the entry deadline same as last time. Two weeks/2 days from today, Friday, May 18th, 2007, at 1:30pm PST, will be the cutoff for entries to be received.

Following this, we'll hold a voting poll, where anyone can vote for their favorite, and hopfully provide a little insight as to why they chose the solo they chose, and offer some constructive crticism to the others as well!

The winner will provide the next backing track, and i'm also thinking of another idea as well, which I'll reveal after the winner is chosen.

Good luck to all who enter this one, it should be a fun one!!! Hope to see all of you who were going to enter previous competitions to enter this one as well!:rock: :rock: :rock:
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