Hey Everybody,
After a brief delay, we're back with the 6th Steve Smyth Forum Solo Competition!!!
The winner of the the 5th competition was Profeta, who has provided this awesome backing track in B Harmonic Minor.
And here it is:
Here's the info on the song, as per Profeta: "The tempo is
68 bpm.
The chord progression goes like this: F# - Fsus4
- G - Bm." Basically, progression wise, it's moving from V-Vsus4-VI-I.
B Harmonic Minor, and all of it's modes will work wonderfully here, although there is room for more than just this scale set; with the openess of the track, the fact that the chords hang for a bar each, and using common tone knowledge, you can get into a lot of really cool and different scale choices here!
We'll keep the entry deadline same as last time. Two weeks/2 days from today, Friday, May 18th, 2007, at 1:30pm PST, will be the cutoff for entries to be received.
Following this, we'll hold a voting poll, where anyone can vote for their favorite, and hopfully provide a little insight as to why they chose the solo they chose, and offer some constructive crticism to the others as well!
The winner will provide the next backing track, and i'm also thinking of another idea as well, which I'll reveal after the winner is chosen.
Good luck to all who enter this one, it should be a fun one!!! Hope to see all of you who were going to enter previous competitions to enter this one as well!