Frank leaving not a huge surprise...

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This is a huge blow to team anthrax. Frankie, Charlie and Scott were the foundation of Anthrax. I don't see how it will be the same w/out Frankie. Will they also do some Armored Saint songs now that the band is 50/50 Anthrax and Armored Saint. They need to work this out in order for this to have any of the same appeal that its had for the last 20 yrs. Scott and Charlie are great when with Frankie, w/out him is yet to be seen. I think if things can't be worked out they should form a new band with the current guys, maybe this way they'll get their sound out more to the masses.

What will Scott and Charlie do if Spitz, Frankie and Joey reunite.

!This is all gonna be interesting!
ariesgirl442 said:
Try not to hurt yourself while jumping to conclusions johnnieCzech.

LMAO Aries....

Frankie will be missed, on stage, in studio, and I am sure in the quality of the new songs-if there are any.
money would have to be an issue,u dont do an album for 5 years and the album before took 5 years,without a day job u would have to be wealthy to survive with comfort
Bassist here with 11 years exp and professional gear looking to join established professional touring band. I am currently located in Western Massachusettes, but have no problem relocating/traveling for the right band. I am looking to quit my job, and make music for a living. ive played ALL kinds of music, everything from a dave mattews to dying fetus and now i just want to use my talent for something useful. i play 2 ibanez 6 string basses and 2 ibanez 5 strings (soundgears) through an amazing sounding Hartke Full Stack. one 4x10xl and one 2x15 sub. if i sound like something your band is looking for, please feel free to contact me asap. dav quit work, make music