This song sounds great !

But something is wrong with the bass IMO (it needs some EQing)

thanks! hehheh thats because...its not a bass guitar. regular guitar into a johnson jstation bass amp model and pitch shifted down quickly..i sold my bass and haven't got a new one yet. it's meant to be an internal band demo anyway ;)
thanks! hehheh thats because...its not a bass guitar. regular guitar into a johnson jstation bass amp model and pitch shifted down quickly..i sold my bass and haven't got a new one yet. it's meant to be an internal band demo anyway ;)

hehe ok :)

but if you spend like 20 minutes EQing it, it can sound way better afterwise

i personally do "fake" bass programming myself using Guitar Pro and then exporting the wave file and EQing it to sound almost like a real bass and i don't regret it, cuz' the original soudn without EQ sucks ass.
Ok, I'll be drawing names in a few minutes. Just want to say that this forum rocks, and love all the stuff you guys have posted.
Ok, so I did the drawing. Here is how I did it. We put all the member names onto peices of paper, folded them up, and put them in an empty box that once held the severed hands of a mime*. Shook up the box, and pulled out five names (I know I said four but I was feeling good today)...

there are TWO winners from the sneap forum. They are:

csholtmeir and gustavo

Thanks so much for everyone else who posted something, 50% of all submissions came from this forum.

Those two gentlemen can PM me..

*added for dramatic effect
WoooHaaaa! YES!

Just got home from a gig and saw this!

I just got a collab going with Rick Halverson on drums (former Stephen Pearcy's Ratt Bastards, Cellador) and this is gonna make the drum tracks rock!
I got the Slate Sample set yesterday, and let me tell you, its all its cracked up to be. These gogs are amazing!

All these drum sounds (All That Remains, Arch Enemy, etc) I've been trying to get are now at my fingertips. I have polished, jaw dropping drums at my disposal, period.

Customer for life here.