French soccer is gonna take over Europe

So you want more Ljuboja ?










should be enough ! Remember this facen he's been our saviour joker during the mercato and will be the best scorer of the next French Championship and Champions league :D

So Fiorese is not your style ? :

woooohoow! :lol: :lol: :lol:

damn that serbian is too much into dandy haircuts
and for that second picture of that furious or whats his name there (even though the hairthing) ill do a silently softly but just enough to hear it 'ooh'
more pics? :D
het lisa ill have a VIP pass for visiting the new stadium if its ready cause its in front of our factory and they need some ground from our factory to be able building it. hopefully
Globalization took away the right to state such sentences like "French soccer is gonna take over Europe", because Arsenals Champ.league win would be at least equally French. (Fortunately, a German saved the day. :) )

Or take your national teams as an example for "trrrue" <insert nationality here> teams. ie. France: first of all, all your black players are originated from some African country, former French colonies. (OK, you can call them French, but there's a more apropriate denomination for them (in Hungarian at least) "soccer-French".) And even Zidane is not really French, or take Djorkaeff, Lizarazu, etc. Today, its not about nationality. (At least on the surface...)
The french league is years worst than the italian,spanish,english or germany league, the national team are the world team because they are from all the countries,and barthez is a fucking stupid muppet
coldwave said:
Globalization took away the right to state such sentences like "French soccer is gonna take over Europe", because Arsenals Champ.league win would be at least equally French. (Fortunately, a German saved the day. :) )

Or take your national teams as an example for "trrrue" <insert nationality here> teams. ie. France: first of all, all your black players are originated from some African country, former French colonies. (OK, you can call them French, but there's a more apropriate denomination for them (in Hungarian at least) "soccer-French".) And even Zidane is not really French, or take Djorkaeff, Lizarazu, etc. Today, its not about nationality. (At least on the surface...)

Lizarazu,Djorkaeff and Zidane are definitely French. So are Henry and Trezeguet, Petit and Vieira, Barthez and Saha and so on and so forth. May they be black or dark-skinned, here skin coulour is in No way related to nationality. Saying the contrary is an evident proof of racism here ... Well, those guys do have roots aborad like in Algeria for Zidane or in Armenia as far as Djork. is concerned but hey do are French. And for the record, a good bunch of them have roots in 'Les Antilles' which aren't African islands at all and are 100% French territories.
MetallicaSux said:
Oh, what was that? Did porto beat lyon? :) Go porto!!

Ah well ok, French soccer AND Porto are gonna take over ... :eek:
My bet for Monaco - Porto as the final of the champion's league. And Porto will win 2-1.
Javier no regret said:
The french league is years worst than the italian,spanish,english or germany league, the national team are the world team because they are from all the countries,and barthez is a fucking stupid muppet

What a fucking load of bollocks ! French Ligue1 is far superior to Bundesliga and is becoming closer and closer to the other 3 as far as quality is concerned. Do you think Monaco beating Real Madrid was an incident ? Do you think Lyon reaching the 1/4th finals was too ? Do you think Sochaux beating Werder Breme and then being narrowly defeated by Inter in UEFA was too ? Do you think Marseille (though I hate them :D ) beating Lpool and Inter in UEFA is ...
Face it, There are 4 great European championships now, count us in :D
yeah, german footy is going down a bit, no way the Bundesliga is "better" than the french one, though i'm not much of a fan of the french one, maybe cause i'm not that familiar with it. I also think that german footy will come back, we have some decent young players out there.
Anyway, who gives a damn about them players roots, from whenever, centuries ago? Sorry, i mean i can understand, i am not too keen on seeing players being nationalised, as the germans did some times, but when they were born in the various country and identify with it, where's the problem? I reckon it's somehow enviousness, ain't it? whatever, i think we're striving here from sport to whatever you may call it, politics or cultural aspects.

btw pool fucked it up again, goddamn, i was really hoping for a champ league ranking, but having seen the arsenal game and knowing the result of todays battle against Charlton i wonder how they should make it place 4th like.
Ah and Hitzlperger seems to do well in Aston Villa, did a nice game against chelsea today, spot on!
cedarbreed said:
Lizarazu,Djorkaeff and Zidane are definitely French. So are Henry and Trezeguet, Petit and Vieira, Barthez and Saha and so on and so forth. May they be black or dark-skinned, here skin coulour is in No way related to nationality. Saying the contrary is an evident proof of racism here ... Well, those guys do have roots aborad like in Algeria for Zidane or in Armenia as far as Djork. is concerned but hey do are French. And for the record, a good bunch of them have roots in 'Les Antilles' which aren't African islands at all and are 100% French territories.

ho-ho-ho :) i dont hate or love anybody just for their skin colour (or rather: its a complex question, dont wanna go into its depths), but its a fact that nowadays it has less meaning to speak about nationalities. the French WChamp national team is an excellent example you almost cant name anyone who has 'roots' in your mainland (exceptions: Deschamps, Petit, Barthez?, Dugarry).
Its not a problem, its a world-wide, 'normal' process. Rich countries attract ppl from poorer territories and the stronger countries conquer poorer territories, etc.

Funny though, how German soccer kept its unmatchable boredom. There is no greater pain than hearing that our sports channel will broadcast a Bochum-1860 München-like 'derby' in the midst of a nice Sunday afternoon.

Our football is way better than that, we always give players "Hungarian Soccer Points" for the really lame moves. You cant see these killer acts in other leagues where a player passes where his mate is, or handles a ball with skill, etc. Here, these ordinary things are replaced with something I call "wondrous randomity", and a good example/quote may stand for this phenomena: "Hrutka... good shot on goal! ... Oh, throw-in..." (Or you can take Löw, our national teams LWB, who -- a week or 2 ago @ a friendly against Cymru -- gave a Welsh striker a wonderfulll 30-40 m long cross-pass from the left side of our central midfield to our penalty box, while attempting to shoot the ball _forward_. (We lost 1-2 with that goal...))

Hungarian soccer saves time for you too, because you have to play it 1.5 times faster to have something like a real football match, so the whole case takes only 60 minutes or so.

So in no way i am envy for the western european football, though i've been regulary listening to Vancouver Canucks hockey games for a while...
Originally Posted by cedarbreed
Do you think Monaco beating Real Madrid was an incident ?

Beat Real Madrid today is not an esploit,is not very difficult,they are going and going down..........
And my team OSASUNA beats them in their stadium this sunday 0-3!!!!!!!!!!!!ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.The only math thay have lost in they´re stadium this season and ,0-3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
morientes just scored an ace goal again. those people at real are just stupid, giving such a player away. go monaco!