Friendship between bands and the fans

Jun 10, 2005
Over 18 years in metal music I get more and more disapointed by some band members.
I'm not talking about the music,it's about personality.In the beginning every band
plea for attention and when they finally get that,they get more arogant and
egoistic.Well I gues it's all about the business.
Some bands won't even approve myspace comment if there is some complain so when you look
to their profile it's like you're looking in girl's diary(woooow you're awesome,etc.)and
most of them never answered if you wrote how much you appreciate their music,but
if you wrote something which they don't like,they'll for sure contact you then.
Or if you are half naked slut,they will contact you fast as possible and apologize.

Let's get one thing straight;I'm not mp3 generation,I still buy cd's and support bands
which I like even if the show is 800km away so in return at least I deserve to be treated
like a person,so we can talk and get some pictures.I was quite disapointed with some
band members of Iron Maiden(heros from my childhood days).For some of them it's hard to take a
picture with a fan,like his crown will fall from his head if he do that.
Bands must know one thing,they need US,we don't need them 'cause the fans are the blood
of the band.Some said there is too much of us so they can't talk to each and every one of us etc.,
but that's kind of a job also!Then they can get up in 6 AM every morning and go to work for 8 hours
per day.They want both;live from the fans but not even talk to them.On dvd's and in press most of
them pretends how much they love their fans but in reality it's something different.
Of course,there are many great people out there,especially bands which are not superstars.
I'll continue to buy cd's and go to the shows 'cause I will always support what I truly like,
but I don't wanna talk or anything with band members anymore 'cause I don't want to crush my dreams.
I wrote nothing new but it's a sad thing how everything today is about the money.

Huge fan of metal MUSIC.
Some bands won't even approve myspace comment if there is some complain so when you look
to their profile it's like you're looking in girl's diary(woooow you're awesome,etc.)and
most of them never answered if you wrote how much you appreciate their music,

I found that myself a few times. I'm happy to say that most bands I have added had the decency of return my messages and in some cases I have developed a good relationship with them.

As for the direct contact with the band, I had I few and I have encountered terrible egos and the nicest people.
I know I'm not in the best position to speak about this, but the time right before and after shows is a very hectic time. Like when you come home from work, you need time to unwind from your day and relax. Usually musicians are thinking about "Man, did those monitors suck! We missed the whole bridge section.." etc.

I'm sure everyone knows the feeling when you want time to yourself and people won't leave you alone. I've had shows where you walk off stage, are trying to move amps and you have people practically hanging off your body. That's why at professional shows, the backstage is a special place where you can unwind for an hour, have a beer and get your brain back into "normal" mode.

That said, most musicians love the fans and spending time with them. The vast majority of bands I've met are more than generous with their time, willing to chat and take pictures. Personally, I don't feel right leaving a venue until I've talked with anyone who wants to chat.

And lastly, some people are just anti-social, self-centered pricks. No matter how much you say their music has changed your life, they'll just say "that's nice" and walk away.

You've got to remember that most musicians are crazy. We do things like spend 10 hours a day practicing an instrument, or vote libertarian. :lol:
It's all human nature.

Emotion is a big part, as Brandon explained, a person just might be in a bad mood or extremely stressed when you meet them (especially right before or after a show). Chances are you are way more excited to meet them than they are to meet you. Expectations of some dramatic immediate BOND between you and one of your idols is very rare and mostly a pipe dream.

Also, it's human nature to want to be famous like the people we see on tv and hear on the radio. But that craving for fame is short-lived once it's thrust upon you. When you're constantly being approached everytime you go out in public, it wears on your nerves. Cut them some slack.

Of course, some are just assholes, but you'll get a certain percentage of them with any group of people.
too many band members forget the fans are paying their salary and enabling them to do what they love on a consistent basis. most people aren't fortunate enough to have that, and it sucks when bands don't keep that in the back of their minds- or at least don't act like they do.
I've had the rare opportunity to be on both sides of this topic. Most of the band members I've met (before and since I joined Exciter) have been very cool. I always give them time to wind down after a show before going over to talk to them. Some of them just need enough time to change and they're out hanging with the fans, others take longer, and sometimes they're just not in the mood. I don't begrudge them if that's the case. Straight up assholes do piss me off, though, as it is very true that without the fans they're nothing.

From the point of view of being in Exciter, I can honestly say that I am always more than happy to meet fans, take pics, sign autographs, etc... most of the time, all of us in the band will hang out in the audience before our set, and after if we're not headlining. I, and the rest of the guys, really enjoy hanging out, and partying with the fans. Like I said, without the fans, we're nothing.

So, if you guys make it out to an Exciter show, look for me, and come over and say "hi"! :kickass:

The Clamster is very approachable, especially if you have BEER! :lol:

I totally understand what you are saying but did you have to say MAIDEN? I mean you're talking about a band that 50K fans in particular countries will stalk them down just for a photo of them in a car. I'm sure they were more easily accessible years ago, these days those guys don't hang around for long given their busy tour schedule.

And I can say from personal experience Maiden are totally nice guys and will hang out and take pics and stuff...but Janick won't autograph much. We actually caught Bruce on a night where he fell from a riser so we had enough respect to be quick with asking for an autograph and then left him alone. Timing is everything!
all i want to do is meet maiden, would be a dream. i actually caught a glimpse of adrian and dave once...but they stopped their autographs after like 70 and i was at least 100 people away :cry:

the nicest band ive ever gotten to meet has been epica. they had conversations, would sign autographs, anything. they even kept in contact when i emailed them a few months later, great to get that back.
I've had more good experiences than bad. A few of the Dream Theater guys were "distant" during a VIP session and Helloween were just assholes (Deris no showing and the other guys were either sullen or sarcastic). For myself, if a VIP package is being sold by the band then the band should put on their best faces and fulfill expectations.

On the brighter end of things here is a short list of reasonable musicians/bands I have met:

Rik Emmett (Triumph)
Judas Priest (twice - VIP in Vancouver, outside Zepp Fukuoka in Japan)
Jon Oliva's Pain / Circle II Circle
Divine Heresy (Dino!)
King's X
Dark Tranquillity (Busan Rock Fest, Busan South Korea).
Helloween were just assholes

They were exactly whom I referred to as terrible egos. On the other hand I want to praise the guys is Tierra Santa who went with us to have a drink on bar without showing tired and without asking questions, just hang around with people from the backstage and talking to people and fans from the bar who just showed at the table. The guys at Dio band (including him) were pretty much nice but we couldn't had much contact due to the tour manager who is a BIG ASSHOLE! But some people who were lucky to talk to theband have nothing but praise for them. A friend who interviewed Maiden before the show here also have nothing but good thing to say about Bruce, Steve and the guys. Hammerfall showed at a bar after their show and the people went crazy buying them beers and all, I listened very good thing about them too.
I saw Blaze at a festival that he did for some complicated reason to do with the fact that his very recently deceased partner had booked it.

He was putting on a brave face and looked disgruntled when people wanted to take pictures. He didn't say or do anything unpleasant and he had just given a great performance. He signed my copy of The Man Who Would Not Die for me. He's probably quite a good guy if he still holds it together under stress etc.