Fuck McDonalds

I guess this means the wedding is off
no, it just means that when we go to In-N-Out, i will triumphantly devour animal style fries while you sit in the corner and pout.
One time I was eating there next to a Hindu family who was just eating buns with lettuce and tomato. If you don't eat beef, maybe you should get food at a place that doesn't serve NOTHING BUT BURGERS.
thats 'cause even in Delhi they know you gotta come to california and get you some In-N-Out before its your time to float down the Ganges. some even take the hit and go backwards a step in their next life just to experience that sweet double double. and can ya blame them?
C'mon now. Everyone loves Mcbreakfast
yeh, the only shit approaching edible at that place is the breakfast.

also, while i dont necessarily agree with the sentiment, i find this one funnier:


Yeah, the only one in SF is in Fisherman's Wharf, so you have to deal with a bunch of midwestern tourists and wait like a year for your food.

One time I was eating there next to a Hindu family who was just eating buns with lettuce and tomato. If you don't eat beef, maybe you should get food at a place that doesn't serve NOTHING BUT BURGERS.

haha, when my friend rose and i were down here for fall break a few months ago, will came down and we went to a five guys burgers and fries. will and i got burgers and rose, who's a vegetarian, got their "vegetarian burger." it was a bun with ketchup and onions on it :lol:

there's a boardwalk fries run by hindus in the mall that we got burgers from once years ago and they definitely didn't taste like beef. they fucking had to be goat burgers
The only reason to eat at McBlasthole is that you enjoy dissentary.
there's a mcdonalds in the walmart i used to work at and it was pretty much guaranteed that i'd be alone in my dept for like a half an hr after most of the guys got back from theirs breaks because they'd have to run to the bathroom. and they'd always tell me much more graphic terms than needed. a simple "i'm going to the bathroom" would've worked just as well as "hey laura, i ate a big mac and am gonna have really bad diarrhea in like 5 seconds - you good covering the floor for about 15 minutes?"
*prays to the holy tampon goddess that its NOT the cardboard tampon kind..*

I been on edge lately, i need a baby to punch too....argh.

*drinks red bull*
cardboard tampon? what?

haha yeah, they're the kind from that one commercial where this couple are in a row boat, the boat springs a leak and while the guy's frantically searching for something to stop the water gushing into the boat, the girl calmly plugs it up with a tampon. classy.
*drunk story*

I put a tampon in my mouth when i was piss drunk...decided to put it in, and drink some beer with it..

ok those things are super absorbant, i don't care who you are...

and that is a drunkin story for the day....

(left a taste of nature and minty freshness in my mouth...)
it was great fun, and everyone thought it was funny.

I'm weird like that i guess, but it got to the point where the cotton thing expanded so much i had to spit it out.
When I went home a month ago, I was shocked at the lousy service, attitude, and overall demeanor of fast food workers. Of course, I was in Louisiana, which must be taken into consideration. It's like they're doing YOU a favor by serving you, like they can't be bothered by petty things such as CUSTOMERS and you know, DOING THEIR JOB CORRECTLY. Most of them were black, but not all...and every one of them just acted like you were a pain in their ass because they had to actually make the food you asked them to make.

I don't think it's much of a racial problem as it is a social problem. Young people these days are just plain spoiled assholes. There's no other reason. They have no respect for themselves, MUCH LESS anyone else.