fuck, this can't be real

Wow, this is very sad, if it's true. I always wondered what would happen if one of us died. Most likely, no one would ever know, we'd just think the person simply decided to stop posting. Luckily we have an informant. RIP, Lizard! :kickass:
I am completely speechless, this is horrible.

RIP Lizard.

...seriously I don't know what to make of this. I've never met Liz off of the internet, yet this still is devestating.
...seriously I don't know what to make of this. I've never met Liz off of the internet, yet this still is devestating.

I could not agree more. I'm actually crying right now. Times like this make me realize that this is more than just a gathering of anonymous people. I am physically hurting.
I've only been posting here for a short while, so I've not really got to know most of you very well, but lizard seemed to be an extremely cool guy based on his posts, and very funny. This is pretty fucked up...
Wow. That's really horrible. :(

I couldn't remember who it was, then I realized it was the guy I always got confused with lurch because the names both started with an 'l'.
so he passed two weeks ago? am i reading this correctly?

it appears all internet activity ceased after the 5th

still cant believe...
Necromunchkin said:
Goddamn I feel angry and sad right now. You're right, Pyrus. But what? We're a bunch of electronic voices online. What can we do?

I know just how you feel. But in reading the ..... I'm having a hard time even typing it..... obituary....it absolutely appears that he was respected and cared about even more in the real world as he was around here. I'm quite certain everything that can be done for his immediate family is being done. One thing that I know we can all do is honor his memory and cherish what he brought to all of us.

We will never forget you Lizard..... Richard.