

Jul 13, 2005
I've been fatefull to my girl for 2 years now.. through 2 3 week long tours of booze and fine women, i still didn't do a thing and staid faithfull.
I gave her a fucking house etc etc...

Now i heard she just cheated on me with a random person at a festival she just knew for an hour.

I'm so full of anger i don't even know what to do...
Wow dude, that's fucking awful - I've never been cheated on before (well, not that I know of anyway :loco: ), but I can imagine it would be quite possibly one of the worst feelings in the world, so all I can offer is my sympathies! How did you find out about it? And have you spoken to her at all since you found out?
the only proper recourse in such instances is to get completely shit-faced and fuck the life out of every one of her female relatives

yep, that means grandma, too
She probably wasn't planning on telling me anyway..
I texted her this morning and got a happy reply back..and it happened in the evening yesterday.. her ex, the guitarplayer of her band, saw it by accident and called me just now.

I threw her best dresses out on the curb and pissed over them.
Damn, I'll be morbidly curious to hear the report after you confront her about it! When you say the evening, do you mean like a couple of hours ago, or yesterday evening?

And just to play devil's advocate, you say it was her ex who called you and told you; could it perhaps just maybe be him making it up cuz he's jealous of you and her?
I keep saying it, monogamy is not natural. (for the most part) Even tho I say and believe that, I still do it. It's like kicking myself in the nuts and liking it. :erk:

Sorry to hear man, hasn't happend to me (that I know of) but once I thought it did and that sucked enough. :cry:
Dude that's gotta feel completely fucked up... nothing I say will make the feeling go away. Just give it a little time. It would maybe help if you could just get the fuck away for a couple days to cool your head and then deal with the shit rather than going right at it.. I don't know. Just don't use violence alright? :/
Bro every girl i have been untill the one i am with now has cheated on me and it is the worst feeling in the world. and i would find out if the ex is fucking with you to get her back. or if she really did throw all her shit out on the curb and leave her ass. cause you dont got time for a girl who isnt going to resect you enough to not sleep with other people. and the fact your in a band and havent cheated on her should make her love you more and not want to fuck around behind your back.
She didnt fuck around it was kissing.. but the deals the same in my book.

A buddy's picking me up in a minute, and i told her to have her other stuff out by tomorrow morning or its gonna get out of the house the hard way.
That sucks man. If she's honest she will tell you about it. It is hard to stay with someone who does that to you. Best of luck.
I've been fatefull to my girl for 2 years now.. through 2 3 week long tours of booze and fine women, i still didn't do a thing and staid faithfull.
I gave her a fucking house etc etc...

Now i heard she just cheated on me with a random person at a festival she just knew for an hour.

I'm so full of anger i don't even know what to do...

Pretty much what happened to me too about 3 or 4 months ago, luckily it didn't proceed to sex either. Just some random guy she met in a bar. I also called her the next day and she was all happy and shit, and told me that it was just a normal night out. I knew something was wrong because she is the worst liar in the world, so after a bit of talking, she confessed it. Best part was, she didn't feel guilty at all, since she "only wanted to try new things" and "wasn't seriously into it". What the fuck? And that same person was always EXTREMELY envious about everything. I mean, when I got my custom 7-string, she got really angry because I'd called the guitar "her" instead of "it" o_O

Sometimes I fucking hate women. Needless to say, we're not together anymore. Didn't break up instantly after that, I wanted to see if there was still any chance of it working. There wasn't. She's a good friend still, but I'd never want to have a relationship with her again.
Pretty much what happened to me too about 3 or 4 months ago, luckily it didn't proceed to sex either. Just some random guy she met in a bar. I also called her the next day and she was all happy and shit, and told me that it was just a normal night out. I knew something was wrong because she is the worst liar in the world, so after a bit of talking, she confessed it. Best part was, she didn't feel guilty at all, since she "only wanted to try new things" and "wasn't seriously into it". What the fuck? And that same person was always EXTREMELY envious about everything. I mean, when I got my custom 7-string, she got really angry because I'd called the guitar "her" instead of "it" o_O

Sometimes I fucking hate women. Needless to say, we're not together anymore. Didn't break up instantly after that, I wanted to see if there was still any chance of it working. There wasn't. She's a good friend still, but I'd never want to have a relationship with her again.

Ugghh, people retarded enough to have logic that ass-backwards are just completely hopeless in terms of debating with, and certainly depending on!