
sorry to hear.
act like nothing happened, if she tells you by herself w/o you asking her there might be the chance to work something out.
if she won't tell you by herself and only after you confronted throw her out like the trash she is.
and don't grieve for too long, she wasn't worth it anyway and the earlier you realize the better.
still, back to point a: if she tells you right away it might still be worth another try
..........you gave her a house?

are you rich? i don't understand.

why are you buying a house for a girl you've been seeing for 2 years? why does anyone buy anyone a house? the only person i'd buy a house is my mother.

so she kissed a dude she didn't know - it's not exactly cheating. cheating is having a relationship with somebody. sounds like nonsense to me.

plus - all girls cheat. most of them just hide it really well.
I sent her a sms the moment i heard it.
Told her to be out the first moment tomorrow with her stuff, and anything hers thats still in there when i'm there will be thrown out by force.
I'm allready over my anger for some reason.. this is so fucked up its not even worth bothering about.

And thanks guys, apreciate it.... first time.. have no clue how to react.....
I remember once that happened to me and I thought to myself "fuck why didn't I sleep with that uber horny girl the other night". And then I felt bad things in my head like anger, hatred, jealousy, etc. So then I thought maybe more open relationships suck less. And kissing is not like fucking imho.

Some say what does not kill you makes you stronger, but there is a moment in time before getting stronger arrives and that moment really sucks.
I'm probably having her so stressed at the moment its not even funny..
Thats the good thing about being cheated on... you move on realy fast i guess.. and i'm now in the position were i still can fuck her over quite bad.
And by god i will.
Err obviously kissing and fucking isn't the same thing... but it is an intimate action, therefore it is cheating... You don't go around kissing people in the lips... It's the intention/action that counts... And it is pretty fucked up... suffered that myself 2 times
Jup! You know its wrong if someones just as into someone else as the are into you... so to speak..

Anyway, been over it for some many times in my head, but can't sleep whatsoever though... been up way to long now...
Dude, before anything, why dont you ask her exactly what happened ? I mean...the guy who told you is her ex, so there might be some interest of his part. Ask her, see her reaction and, well, decide from that. I defend that if somebody is really important to one, if it´s not something like a fuck fest (i mean, its very hard to image someone you love fucking with another), then its forgivable. If you cant forgive, just move on and leave it behind.
My buddy, her ex, allready hooked up with an ex off mine actually.. and she (my now.. ex gf..fuck now thats something...) did exactly the same to him.
And he's just an awesome dude, was like a manual to her i could call once in a while.. we have the same standards.. he's cool.
So he's been through the same, has a new girl with which he has a crib, and allround the dudes trustworthy.

And next to that, she alllready confessed about everything.
Until you speak to her directly face-to-face, take time and space to cool off and collect yourself so that when you finally do have "the talk" with her you will be clear headed and able to discuss the situation rationally without ending up in jail and facing all kinds of bullshit court dates, fees, probation and so on.
I can TOTALLY understand the feelings associated with being cheated on. Betrayal, anger, hurt, resentment, curiosity, et cetera because I've been there too and it almost completely destroyed me, literally. I wish I would have had a forum like this back then to help hash out what was going on inside me at the time instead of drowning in depression and becoming suicidal.
Love can really phuk your world up.
Yeah man.. On one hand i feel like this crappy Twitter/myspace generation kid (i don't even have twitter..), that just blabs everything on the net.. on the other hand, this + talking/calling with my friends just prevents me from destroying shit.
Last time a similar thing happened i pounded into a mirror for 2 minutes and ended up with a shitload of stitches... it calmed me down, and i still don't particularly have any regret about that, since it cooled me down and got me back to earth..
But this is better.
Seizure, I've had a really fucked up relationship that lasted 3 years, I really thought she was the "one" so to speak, the love of my life. Cheated on me twice. First I just felt like setting everything on fire, after a lot of discussion I forgave her, the second time I almost broke my table in half... Did not forgave her. Felt like shit for about 1/2 months, then I just sit down, lit up a cigarette and start thinking about our relationship from a different perspective, I got into the conclusion that she didn't deserve anything, not even my thoughts, it was for the best, I didn't want this for the rest of my life. Dude, seriously, schedule a coffee with her, or meet at your house or whatever, talk FACE TO FACE, it's the BEST thing you can do. I've had MSN breakups it's the most selfish, pathetic and coward thing one can do... Maybe IF you talk to her you can hear her side of the story and may even forgive her and give her another chance, or not... It's up to you
doesn't matter whether it's kissing or fucking..and even if it did matter,it's too late now anyway----he's sent her that sms while he was still on that festival.....so of course she's spent the rest of the festival nights (and probably days) being angry at him and single and trying to find a way to hurt him more and not having to care anymore about what she does and with whom....so even if it was "only" kissing in the first place you can be sure that that's not the case anymore now