
Emotions are a funny thing,they are consuming and intoxicating.So much so that some women love the whole drama associated with emotionally charged situations.Some do it out of boredom and because of the high they get when it unfolds.
You have a situation on your hand that has upset you,naturally.

Fist thing i suggest is accept it as it is.Don't try and change it,and don't try and justify her actions.
Second thing is,get another fuck happening as soon as you can and let her lick her wounds so to speak.

You have your house ,you have your band,you have your friends and your sanity......she's one of so many,move on brother and you'll be happier for it when looking back.
Makes alot of sence man, and its basicly what i've come to after alot of thinking and talking about it with people.

Don't know about the new fuck though... i allready have one "ready to go" so to speak.

But i don't know if thats such a good idea, how much better will you feel after that? i hate cheap sex in a girl so i don't know if i want that for myself for one.

On the other hand it could make me completely forget the situation..

I dunno..
So here's a question - has ANYONE here ever had a good relationship with a chick singer? I was in a band with one for around a year, and eventually quit because she was just an absolutely intolerable bipolar drama queen bitch, prone to the most ridiculous mood swings (the negative ones she would of course take out on us, especially me). We never dated, but FFFFUUUUUUUU, that would've made it even worse. And Olli/EMDProdukt was dating his singer, and that went down in flames...

To quote Phil Hartman from the SNL acting school skit - "Here's a tip - I don't like women, they shouldn't be in the business" :lol:

I had a chick singer and yeah..she was a pain in the ass to work with. and what made it worse was she was a (sex) freak and i couldn't do anything with her. i was married. but my guitarist did...and thats when all hell broke loose. the chick wierded out in front of his wife (and the rest of the band) and told him in front of her that he was better off with her. none of us in the band knew they had fucked. my eyes got big and i had to save his life and i jumped up and told her that she is wrong talking to this dude like this in his house and to get the fuck out. anyway yeah it sucks to get cheated on.