Fuckin' Chicks


Anything entertaining related to lengthy relationships crashing down would be good. Pain and suffering are always good for a larf!

We joked about "uh oh, 7 year itch coming" and then a few months later we've been pretty awful toward one another, unlike ever before.

I guess in the Go Go '90s they say it's more of a 3 year itch these days, but we were fine back then. Maybe I'm just mad at numbers.

I've watched three couples I know go through divorces in the last year. Watching the fallout has been entertaining schadenfreude. Makes me sad though. I feel like socially we have set ourselves up for failure. We ask for things that emotionally unsustainable and illogical, then punish each other for not living up to expectations.
So keep going...?
haha! Well honestly our issues are typical fucking boring shit. You Don't Understand Me v. Why Are You So Mean or whatever. Bland and dumb, so we're hoping to resolve and move on eventually. Last night was particularly rough, and this morning ended up with me writing a note to her that said:

Dear Society,

If it comes to pass that my wife murders me, please go easy on her. Her tales of "He Deserved It!" are likely pretty accurate. My gravestone might read:


And be quite fitting.

Your Friend,

I showed it to her and she said "you should date it, makes it look official." It's on the fridge, now properly dated. I do mean what I wrote, but also told her that I would ABSOLUTELY haunt her if she killed me. So I wouldn't want to see her serve jail time, but mental torture from beyond the grave? Fuck yes, I'm evil. Later today I got a text message from her that said one of our new rules is that every time I make her cry she will kick me in the balls. So we're nothing if not entertaining really. I love that crazy bitch. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here.

I've watched three couples I know go through divorces in the last year. Watching the fallout has been entertaining schadenfreude. Makes me sad though. I feel like socially we have set ourselves up for failure. We ask for things that emotionally unsustainable and illogical, then punish each other for not living up to expectations.
Yes. Years ago I treated a good woman horribly because she didn't fit into the particular columns I had set aside for her, and that got pretty ugly more than a few times. At times I catch myself doing that to my wife and really try to keep it in line. Standards are fine, but acceptance is key.

I don't think monogamy is very healthy in many ways. Well, put it this way, if two people are together and madly in love for decades on end, fucking great. But I've watched too many people stay together just out of sheer convenience, laziness, comfort, children, social acceptance, and other bullshit that doesn't have anything to do with love. Not sure I understand the point of that, but hopefully I'll never have to deal with that particular variety of poo.
I don't think monogamy is very healthy in many ways. Well, put it this way, if two people are together and madly in love for decades on end, fucking great. But I've watched too many people stay together just out of sheer convenience, laziness, comfort, children, social acceptance, and other bullshit that doesn't have anything to do with love. Not sure I understand the point of that, but hopefully I'll never have to deal with that particular variety of poo.

i'm not gonna stick around with someone if i don't love them anymore
Dude, send your chick across the globe for a few weeks, shit works.

My marital woes disappeared when she went to Germany for a spell.

I suppose after 7 years we both needed a break from one another.

Of course, we also bought a fish when she returned. Maybe that did it.