fucking HATE boyfriends

I'm going advocate the move on, fuck someone else for a while approach.
hm i seem to have this problem as well. maybe we should collaborate. perhaps the two of us combined would have the same potential as one normal man :lol:
Aight I'm actually gonna try and be serious now haha
Look man
Nice guy's may finish last, but good things come to those who wait.

You may well go and fuck another few girls you meet at some bars, and sure it'll be fun, but it's not going to help take your mind off the girl you feel strongly about. But she's taken, and probably happy in said situation.
If it hurts, it hurts, there's not much you can do about it. Just give shit time, meet some people, get girl friends to introduce you to their friends, there's no harm in asking for an introduction.
The less you think about it, the more you just let shit happen, the more likely it is to happen.

I've liked this girl for a few months, had a bit of a case of the cutes for her even while I was with my ex, but I kept it there, we all look at other women even when we're in relationships and think "yeah she's pretty cute," but most of us (or I should hope so at least) have the ability to leave it there.
We're really close friends, and when things got tough with my ex, she was my main source of advice, and then eventually it got to the point where I just gave up trying as such and just got on with life. Tried to just forget about it.
And literally last night, something just clicked, and now I swear we're falling more head over heels for each other with every overwhelmingly cute text that gets sent either way, and it just happened. I don't think either of us really meant it to, and that's the beauty of it man. Neither of us were trying, neither of us expected it, and it just happened.

Just be patient man, talk to people, be kind, dress tidy and keep a smile on your face, then just float through life. Take shit as though you're lying on your back in the ocean, just floating around. Close your eyes and let the ocean take you wherever it wants to take you, and be as at peace with that as you possibly can, and one day the ocean will just decide to take you a certain place and everything will be cool.

Just float man, and something will happen when you least expect it. People always say you gotta play the field, you gotta hustle, to find love and the more time I spend on this earth the more I believe that's total bullshit.
I hope I've helped in some way dude :)
Haha well :)
its a bit of a convoluted, hippy, LOOK AT ME IM SO SPIRITUAL metaphor but still
i believe in it
Aight I'm actually gonna try and be serious now haha
Look man
Nice guy's may finish last, but good things come to those who wait.

You may well go and fuck another few girls you meet at some bars, and sure it'll be fun, but it's not going to help take your mind off the girl you feel strongly about. But she's taken, and probably happy in said situation.
If it hurts, it hurts, there's not much you can do about it. Just give shit time, meet some people, get girl friends to introduce you to their friends, there's no harm in asking for an introduction.
The less you think about it, the more you just let shit happen, the more likely it is to happen.

I've liked this girl for a few months, had a bit of a case of the cutes for her even while I was with my ex, but I kept it there, we all look at other women even when we're in relationships and think "yeah she's pretty cute," but most of us (or I should hope so at least) have the ability to leave it there.
We're really close friends, and when things got tough with my ex, she was my main source of advice, and then eventually it got to the point where I just gave up trying as such and just got on with life. Tried to just forget about it.
And literally last night, something just clicked, and now I swear we're falling more head over heels for each other with every overwhelmingly cute text that gets sent either way, and it just happened. I don't think either of us really meant it to, and that's the beauty of it man. Neither of us were trying, neither of us expected it, and it just happened.

Just be patient man, talk to people, be kind, dress tidy and keep a smile on your face, then just float through life. Take shit as though you're lying on your back in the ocean, just floating around. Close your eyes and let the ocean take you wherever it wants to take you, and be as at peace with that as you possibly can, and one day the ocean will just decide to take you a certain place and everything will be cool.

Just float man, and something will happen when you least expect it. People always say you gotta play the field, you gotta hustle, to find love and the more time I spend on this earth the more I believe that's total bullshit.
I hope I've helped in some way dude :)

Plus fucking one!

Perhaps the best relationship advice I've ever received is this: relationships should be relatively stress free, natural, and should develop without either side having to change themselves.

Like Gareth (it's Gareth right, Dodo?) said, just sit back and let it happen. Put yourself in a position where you're available and all, but don't try to force anything. If the girl you're interested in has a guy that isn't right for her, she will eventually come on the market, and if she's happy with him then it's time to move on and stop stressing about it.

I think most people will agree, the best situations come when you least expect it, so sit back, chill, and you will find what you're looking for :Smokin:

I wouldn't be so pissed off if this wasn't a recurring thing.

I dunno, I'm not the most social person so the whole neediness/clinginess that most single girls EXUDE is a major turnoff for me.. and the "i dont care" of a taken girl (even though I don't find out they're taken til later on) seems to be what attracts me.


So I'm kinda fucking tired of burying feelings (eventually mostly go away after a while but that's not what I really want now, is it?) or being 'the friend'.

Gareth do you have MSN? You seem strangely world-wise for an 18 year old ;p
Man I know this feeling all to well.
I seem to attract depressed girls, girls with drinking problems, girls who don't know if they fucking love me or hate me and all sorts of shit, basically any type of girl I wouldn't want a long term relationship with:erk:
I had one girl who was seeing another girl behind my back.
There was something about it that was even worse than if she were fucking a dude:erk:
I have to agree with Garteh, just go for a relaxing swim and let the tides wash you away. I remember in my High School days I was always chasing a girl or another, and as soon as I gave up and focused on other shit, like music and my friends, not a week later a girl came to me, we were in a relationship for a year, in the process she was sleeping with one of her friends behind my back. She even told me that her friends were going to tell me that she was cheating on me and to not believe it, I got messages from her friends telling me not a few days later and I ignored it. A few months later she left me for another guy.

I was devastated for a good two years, just until this February, and in the past two and a half years I remembered about how when I just drifted and left things happen that they went good, well its two years later and still shit hasn't happened, I haven't even remotely gotten even close to meeting anyone even moderately interested, I have gotten more of the shit talked behind my back and more girls being interested in my best friend, so this who drifting thing is really beginning to piss me off, especially since I have been the only person out of my friends (including girls) that are always single, so watching go from one relationship to the next while I have been single the whole time for patiently waiting is pretty frustrating. I am on the verge of saying fuck off to waiting, but really its the only choice I have.

But it somewhat works better than chasing that is, so a major +1 to gareth for beating me to it.
Seriously, what the fuck are you doing coming to college with a boyfriend at home? Sever that shit and live a little. I'm sure that the taste of my dick will wash out of your mouth by the time you see him again.
Seriously, what the fuck are you doing coming to college with a boyfriend at home? Sever that shit and live a little. I'm sure that the taste of my dick will wash out of your mouth by the time you see him again.


I'm afraid Uni in Aus != College in US (or at least stereotypical college)

Like 90% come from home, very few people live on campus. Student social life is fairly awful in my uni, better in others but still nothing compared to the stereotypes of US College.

I'm afraid Uni in Aus != College in US (or at least stereotypical college)

Like 90% come from home, very few people live on campus. Student social life is fairly awful in my uni, better in others but still nothing compared to the stereotypes of US College.

Yea I go to a technical school so there are literally no girls and its a go to class for a few hours and get the fuck out of there, totally not the typical college life that is so stereotypical from movies such as Van Wylder and American Pie
Yea I go to a technical school so there are literally no girls and its a go to class for a few hours and get the fuck out of there, totally not the typical college life that is so stereotypical from movies such as Van Wylder and American Pie

I'm at Cal Poly, technically a state school but also technically a technical school haha. So far my nights have been pretty close to Asher Roth's "I Love College." :headbang: