fucking HATE boyfriends

Yea I go to a technical school so there are literally no girls and its a go to class for a few hours and get the fuck out of there, totally not the typical college life that is so stereotypical from movies such as Van Wylder and American Pie

That's how it is here in Finland too. Except the average school day is 8 hours, 10 hour days are very common, and 12 hour days happen quite often. And no girls, and the girls in the other degree programmes are 24/7 reserved, or more often engaged/married :erk:

Weekends are mostly spent recharging your "batteries" after a long school week :lol: They keep on telling us that we'll be earning loads of dough once we graduate.
I'm at Cal Poly, technically a state school but also technically a technical school haha. So far my nights have been pretty close to Asher Roth's "I Love College." :headbang:

haha I fucking hate you. Maybe my choice in avocation wasn't the wisest. Eh I think When I have my own guitar amplifier company I won't think that so much.

That's how it is here in Finland too. Except the average school day is 8 hours, 10 hour days are very common, and 12 hour days happen quite often. And no girls, and the girls in the other degree programmes are 24/7 reserved, or more often engaged/married :erk:

Weekends are mostly spent recharging your "batteries" after a long school week :lol: They keep on telling us that we'll be earning loads of dough once we graduate.

Yeah I know the feeling about the whole opposite sex situation, the few ones that are around have bands on or talk about their kids (I am 19, not really interested in someone in their late 20's with a kid)

anyway back to the op

fucking HATE boyfriends

i like being a boyfriend

That's how it is here in Finland too. Except the average school day is 8 hours, 10 hour days are very common, and 12 hour days happen quite often. And no girls, and the girls in the other degree programmes are 24/7 reserved, or more often engaged/married :erk:

Weekends are mostly spent recharging your "batteries" after a long school week :lol: They keep on telling us that we'll be earning loads of dough once we graduate.

What school do you go to man?
^ Lol

I'm a fan of the,

Me: "Want to get a pizza and fuck?"
Her: "No!"
Me: "I get it, you don't like pizza... that's cool, we can skip it."

I also like the, "Oh, I don't mind... your boyfriend can hold the camera." (this one has actually worked... scary-awesome.)

:lol: Lawls

And wow to thread, Here iem thinking i hate girlfriends lol.
And im still finding it hard to think and get over the fact males actually have real true feeling towards females other that fucking only... WoW

Neither of us were trying, neither of us expected it, and it just happened.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww cute! thats fucking awesome gratz dude!

So I'm kinda fucking tired of burying feelings (eventually mostly go away after a while but that's not what I really want now, is it?) or being 'the friend'.

Dont bury, write about it/ lyrics ect, trust me it heaps so so much!
Yeah does suck being just 'friends' it hurts, it fucking stings but be greatful you are mate and not 'nothing' to each other.. That hurts also =(
That's not a word hahaha

It's not even the longest actually used word in Finnish :)

(edit: hmm, maybe some spam blocker splits the word in two?) is officially the longest Finnish word in use with 61 characters :lol: It roughly translates: Flow-turbine aircraft engine assistant mechanic non-commissioned officer student

Another candidate is:

, (66 characters) but it's not that common. It translates: Nuclear energy reactor generator coolant turbine cog gear/switch. Due to the nature of Finnish language, both words are compound words.

But the Swedes take the cake with:


or something like: northern East Sea coastal artillery flight reconnaissance simulation equipment maintenance upkeep tracking system conversation testimonial preparation workgroup

130 characters :lol:

Whoever said the military has no sense of humour? :loco:
This might be the gayest thread ever. baaaawwwww :cry:

Let the tides take you? Cute? & :erk:?

J/K with you.:lol:

girls like being called cute rather than hot, it makes them feel like princesses, and thus much more likely to get in bed with you
girls like being called cute rather than hot, it makes them feel like princesses, and thus much more likely to get in bed with you

I'm sure girls prefer compliments - but I prefer subtle digs, there's nothing more fun than winding up girls, it makes them feel like you're not interested in them and they have to work for you instead. Sure, you can make them feel like princesses, but I think its a bad habit to get into. Haha :p

As far as the OP goes, most women are only 'taken' until someone better comes along, if you can't work your magic on chicks that are in relationships then you're simply just not as good in the social/looks/style stakes as their boyfriends.
Am I the only person in the fucking universe who believes in leaving happy couples alone to just get on with being happy couples?
Am I the only person in the fucking universe who believes in leaving happy couples alone to just get on with being happy couples?

Well, I prefer to think of it in the sense that if the girl is willing (READ: flaky) enough to break up with her boyfriend to be with you, then I'd be a bit concerned about when she decides to give you the same treatment. Also, if the guy is cool, I wouldn't feel too right fucking him over from a purely "biggest man gets the girl GRUNT GRUNT" perspective!
Well, I prefer to think of it in the sense that if the girl is willing (READ: flaky) enough to break up with her boyfriend to be with you, then I'd be a bit concerned about when she decides to give you the same treatment. Also, if the guy is cool, I wouldn't feel too right fucking him over from a purely "biggest man gets the girl GRUNT GRUNT" perspective!

I agree. In fact, I would expect her to do the same to me. Thats just a bad sign.