fucking HATE boyfriends

Am I the only person in the fucking universe who believes in leaving happy couples alone to just get on with being happy couples?

well maybe, but I don;t agree with you only because the fact that every relationship I have tried to jump into there was some other guy trying to fuck me over. The one relationship I have ever been in, I got fucked over twice (was stupid on my part for forgiving her the first time). So I am really bitter towards happy couples, I have that, if I am not getting any, than neither are you syndrome. But then again, I generally am an angry person due to my intimacy shortcomings.

Now I can't vouvhe for other guys, that's just me
Öwen;8567022 said:
I'm sure girls prefer compliments - but I prefer subtle digs, there's nothing more fun than winding up girls, it makes them feel like you're not interested in them and they have to work for you instead. Sure, you can make them feel like princesses, but I think its a bad habit to get into. Haha :p

As far as the OP goes, most women are only 'taken' until someone better comes along, if you can't work your magic on chicks that are in relationships then you're simply just not as good in the social/looks/style stakes as their boyfriends.

Calling them Cute works like a charm, beautiful works as well...

Well, I prefer to think of it in the sense that if the girl is willing (READ: flaky) enough to break up with her boyfriend to be with you, then I'd be a bit concerned about when she decides to give you the same treatment.

Do you put on Death Magnetic and expect it NOT to clip? no.

I would NOT do this with a chick that I wanted anything more than just a fuck with... just how it works.

I also, I never put on Death Magnetic... just thought I should let that be known.
I'm at Cal Poly, technically a state school but also technically a technical school haha. So far my nights have been pretty close to Asher Roth's "I Love College." :headbang:

Cal Poly in SLO kicks ass man..... I was out there 2 weeks for an Army school... I made out with a hot ass lesbian and had sex with the hottest girl I've ever met. And she was actually smart too.

Farmers market night(I think that is what it was called) was a blast.... So many people out getting drunked up.
Calling them Cute works like a charm, beautiful works as well...

in my limited experience when you say a girl is cute they usually get real coy and think your the sweetest thing. Its more about making them feel special and not just a piece of ass.

However if you get any woman drunk enough she will cheat just for the sake of being a piece of ass, at least from personal experience (I am the guy that gets cheated on AND rejected by the drunks) and from stories I have heard, this is very true.