funny pictures thread!




wtf is water temple? me not get :\

wow, so many people have not played ocarina of time. do you guys even know what video games are?

the water temple is probably the hardest zelda temple of all time, arguably one of the most time consuming and rage inducing giant puzzles in video games. the entire temple is literally one giant puzzle you have to solve, raising the water levels and lowering them constantly while trying to find the most well hidden keys ever.
not to mention dark link who was an asshole. the boss was at least a cakewalk by comparison.

even after beating that game 5-10 times, the water temple is still a daunting task. words can barely begin to describe how frustrating it is
Zelda pics :lol:

I liked the water temple, and the whole getting there process. The song you play to enter is also one of the best in the game. Playing against Dark Link was the coolest sword fight in the game.

Ugh.. The Water Temple is indeed the hardest part of any Zelda game. The first time I played the game I never beat it all because I could not get out of the Water Temple, I just lost interest after hours and hours. However I was sure at the time and I'm still quite sure it was a glitch that other people have also experienced. If you do just the wrong thing at the wrong time there is no way to get one of the keys and you basically have to start the whole game over.

A few months later I gave in and jsut restarted and as I recall I beat the Water Temple with less difficulty. Still it's a hell of a dungeon and beside the fight with Shadow Link (which I agree with Scav is the best fight in the game) I HATE doing it. For me it's the true last level of the game now, because every time I pick the game up again I stop before entering the temple because I can't be bothered.
The only thing that bothered me in that fight was when you did a forward sword stab Dark Link would jump and stand on your sword and slice you in the face, how stupid is that?

It's much cooler to fight him using the Master Sword but if you use the Big Goron Sword it's pretty easy to kick his ass.. if I remember correctly.

wow, so many people have not played ocarina of time. do you guys even know what video games are?

the water temple is probably the hardest zelda temple of all time, arguably one of the most time consuming and rage inducing giant puzzles in video games. the entire temple is literally one giant puzzle you have to solve, raising the water levels and lowering them constantly while trying to find the most well hidden keys ever.
not to mention dark link who was an asshole. the boss was at least a cakewalk by comparison.

even after beating that game 5-10 times, the water temple is still a daunting task. words can barely begin to describe how frustrating it is

So, so true.