funny pictures thread!

Windows sucks ass. Except for video games and people who animate I guess.

Hate all you want, there will always be more people on PC. I can't stand OSX and I gave it more than one honest go(no not for a couple hours either), I find it EXTREMELY lacking for an OS that some people never shut up about. It would have to be the second coming to justify all the retards that try to knock Windows without stepping back and seeing the logic. When/if OSX catches up and does everything windows does we'll see how "unbreakable" Macs are. Everyone forgets there are tenfold the PC users each with their own setup, parts, and peripherals naturally there will be more viruses and glitch reports.
it's really not a matter of better/worse, but just what you need from a OS. Scav does music, do he doesn't need to compile kernel or have having to do some more complicated stuff.

that being said, both mac and windows sucks and Gnome 3
^Yeah, it's excellent for music production. And I haven't had many problems with viruses the last 10 or wtv years I've been using Windows, but had lots of trouble with many other things. And trust me, I'm no "idiot". I've been using this MacBookPro for a year now and I don't see my self going back to Windows for a long time, it works exactly the same it did when I first bought it.
^agreed, you know how many viruses my computer has had since i bought it? zero, cause im not an idiot

Both my PCs have been virus-free for over 5 years, I use a legit copy of Win on both and install updates every other week or so.

99% of the people complaining about viruses either run pirate copy of Win, or are complete dumbasses klicking all the penisenlargement mail they get after entering their e-mail-address on some stupid sites.
Both my PCs have been virus-free for over 5 years, I use a legit copy of Win on both and install updates every other week or so.

99% of the people complaining about viruses either run pirate copy of Win, or are complete dumbasses klicking all the penisenlargement mail they get after entering their e-mail-address on some stupid sites.

yeah, i mean i have to live with a regular size penis now, but at least my computer runs
So you're telling me if I switch to Mac I can get a penis enlargement and not lose all my porn to a virus? *goes to apple store*... *bursts into flames shortly after*