funny pictures thread!

I hate the jokes more than the kid.

Honestly I never hear about Bieber until someone is joking / raging about him. I don't get the issue, he is one of many that has had fame handed to him. Do I like his music? Of course not. Do I have any reason to hate him? None at all.
Having been to Toronto I thought what a waste of money having every sign in both English and French.

What's stopping them learning English? They're not Mexican.


Etranges visions perdues dans mon sommeil
L'homme est assis, violemment immobile.
Il trempe sa lame dans la médiocrité,
Et dans le sang la pointe immaculée
Ivre mort, suspendu aux levres du mépris
Il compose et un long sillon coule.

Il écorche l'esquisse jusqu'à en fléchir la trame
Il tapisse mon corps de ses mucosités
A l'ornière ruisselle l'éclat de ma structure viscérale
Le prisme et ses reflets ne renvoient que des cendres
Les bases sont fondées.

Ma part d'ombre t'appartient,
Tu porteras mes chaines
L'oeuvre inachevée, tableau de mon ame déconstruite
Ma part d'ombre t'appartient désormais.

Tu restes aveugle, tes mains tracent avec le mauvais sang

Ta signature sera celle de mon irréversible perte,
A laquelle je suis enchainé
Le mauvais guette, à l'affût de l'usure du temps,
Qui le laissera paraître
Et prendre le dessus lorsque l'écorce s'effritera.

Tu peux bruler ma langue, écorcher mes paupières,
Je saurai malgré tout
Et je rêve d'un noeud coulant se refermant inexorablement sur ma gorge.
Everything is dual -language in Canada even though a relatively small percentage of the population speaks French exclusively, especially outside of Quebec. And honestly going into "why don't they just speak English" is pretty much asking for an essay, a lot of French-Canadians don't even want to be part of Canada which is frankly, retarded.

On a more real note though, Quebec is actually a really fun province, those frenchies know how to have a good time.
I don't know many people that call English basic. It seems easy to me but it's my first language, I hear it's extremely difficult for many people (besides the ones that are phonetically very similar)
English was very easy for me to learn and also a necessity to get a good job and have access to a lot more stuff. We're surrounded by english speaking people, it would be retarded not to learn it and have lots of limitations :)
I don't know many people that call English basic. It seems easy to me but it's my first language, I hear it's extremely difficult for many people (besides the ones that are phonetically very similar)
haha yeah i learned french to get a sweet government job.

i have a decent amount of french friends...but yeah....they have a poor reputation >_>

from what ive seen it is mostly small communities that only speak french. like you wont find much only french in montreal, but in rural areas its only french :lol:, at least it is in new brunswick (bathurst....holla)